Month: March 2007

8 & 9 Week Update

This was the second ultrasound, all is good. Embryos are growing well. Dr. McConnell referred us out to my regular OB/GYN, Dr. Torres to do the first prenatal visit since the fertility group will only work with us until we’re 13 weeks along. On March 26, we saw Dr. Torres, and I did my first bloodwork – gallons of blood were taken from me. 11 tubes. I did pretty well considering I want to pass out from it most of the time.

During our appointment we discussed that maybe we would need to work directly with a high risk pregnancy specialist, a perinatologist, instead of working with Torres. It would waste so much of our time to have to communicate information back and forth as well as see 2 doctors instead of one. I really was torn, as Dr. Torres has been my doc for 12 years and delivered Kaitlyn and Gillian. Chip wasn’t thrilled since he doesn’t much care for Torres, but I guess I just have an emotional attachment. Torres said he would assist in the delivery if we wanted. Certainly a lot to digest. I needed more time to think about it. Then Dr. Torres referred us to Desert Perinatalogy – Dr. Wilkes, since we would need to see a specialist regardless of whether or not we worked with 2 doctors or one. So we left Dr. Torres office and went home. Chip and I thought we’d see how things went with the new specialist and make decisions from there.

6 Weeks – The First Ultrasound

We had another appointment at the Green Valley office of Nevada Fertility Cares and Dr. McConnell was going to show us exactly what was inside there. We arrived and had our standard blood tests for Estradol and Progesterone, which I had been taking since the transfer along with an HCG (pregnancy hormone) level check to ensure it was building and everything was on par. While all of this news was really exciting, I must say that I was a bit apprehensive because we’d had 2 miscarriages in the past that occurred very early (5 to 7 weeks) and I just was sort of holding my breath to see if we could get past that point. So, when we finally got the ultrasound going, what do you know??? There are 3 babies. We are expecting triplets!!!! Who could have guessed after all of our failure that we would have 3 that worked. WOW. Both Chip and I were extremely happy that it worked, but had never thought for a moment that there would ever be 3 babies. So with that news, we left the office and called the families. Wow, what wonderful news we shared! We told the girls a couple of days later and they were really excited. I have had a flood of emotions. Extreme happiness that all of this effort worked, but also wonder what to do first. What does a family need for 3 babies. How would our life change?

6 Weeks – The First Ultrasound

We had another appointment at the Green Valley office of Nevada Fertility Cares and Dr. McConnell was going to show us exactly what was inside there. We arrived and had our standard blood tests for Estradol and Progesterone, which I had been taking since the transfer along with an HCG (pregnancy hormone) level check to ensure it was building and everything was on par. While all of this news was really exciting, I must say that I was a bit apprehensive because we’d had 2 miscarriages in the past that occurred very early (5 to 7 weeks) and I just was sort of holding my breath to see if we could get past that point. So, when we finally got the ultrasound going, what do you know??? There are 3 babies. We are expecting triplets!!!! Who could have guessed after all of our failure that we would have 3 that worked. WOW. Both Chip and I were extremely happy that it worked, but had never thought for a moment that there would ever be 3 babies. So with that news, we left the office and called the families. Wow, what wonderful news we shared! We told the girls a couple of days later and they were really excited. I have had a flood of emotions. Extreme happiness that all of this effort worked, but also wonder what to do first. What does a family need for 3 babies. How would our life change?