Month: May 2009

The little boys update – 5/31/09

These little boys are just too funny. When I see them do something new almost every day and how they are little sponges, I think to myself “I’ve got to write that down”. Now that I’m committed to blogging, I’ll be importing old stuff that I have in various different places and will now update here. The boys now have a summer swimming pool that they just love. It’s so fun to watch them splash around. It’s really cool. All the boys still love walks in the wagon and can’t get enough of being outside. However, now the boys get bored with just the back yard.

Gary – This little guy just can’t get enough! He wants to say and try everything. Gary has really come a long way this month. He’s trying really hard to talk and now can say: ball, tree, green, car (car has been in the last 2 months), hey, bye, hi and me. Gary can also point out things on his head. He knows nose and eyes, as well as hair, ear and mouth. He can’t say them all very well but he sure tries! He especially loves to point them out on other people. Gary loves books, puzzles, the stacking blocks and calls Ben “B”. Gary also has really sensitive skin. Eczema is all over him. He’s also still daredevil and wants to try everything. Gary still absolutely loves hot dogs, pirates booty, yogurt, pasta, veggie corn dogs and banana muffins I make. He also fights over the blue cloud blanket with Ryan. Luckily Gary is laid back enough to let it go and get another. He also tends to get motion sick. We have found that out on 3 occasions. Oh yeah, Gary is deathly afraid of Blues Clues. Puts his hands on his ears and cries when he sees it come on tv.

Ben – This boy still loves to play alone with cars. He’s so tall and skinny still! Finally in the last couple of months he’s getting more hair. Ben is all about laying on the floor with his blanket and bottle. He doesn’t even care if the bottle is empty. He’s really a content kid. He also gets picked on more than Gary by Ryan. He’s getting more vocal about that and most things in general. There is so much more babble coming from Ben. Ben seems to be the most adaptable of all the boys. He’s a great eater. Loves really carby stuff like Pirate’s Booty, pasta, Cheetos, Cheerios, Chex and fishies. He also really likes veggies like green beans and corn (LOVES IT). Like his brothers, Ben likes fruit too. Grapes and mandarin organges are the biggest hits. Ben is the best of the 3 at using a fork. He can spear a lot and usually even makes it to his mouth. 🙂 In the last week or so Ben has also really taken an interest in books. That makes Chip and I really happy! Ben can say hi and dadda. He loves to be outside and plant with his daddy. Like his brothers, Ben also loves to play in the water. Ryan and Ben fight over the water hose. Ben will be out in the pool and soaking himself until he shivers and still can’t get enough.

Ryan – Still the bubba! He totally understands that he can intimidate his brothers, push them down and take things away. They are fighting back better, but Ryan still usually gets his way. Ryan is just his own little person. He loves the cloud blanket. He’ll be the one to take it from Gary in the mornings. Ryan is an emotional little guy. He’s sad when he gets in trouble or is told no. He fights us the most when getting dressed and diapers changed. Then in a few minutes he’s totally happy again! His laugh is infectious and when Ryan smiles his whole face lights up. Lately he’s really attached to this red “lego” car. The front and back come off of it and he takes them off and can’t quite put them back on, so he “asks” for help by alerting us via grunts and pushing the car at us. He says yah yah and hi. Ryan loves his routine. He’s also the shyest I think. In the last few months we’ve seen that Ryan will cry some at new places and new people and then in a couple of hours he’s great. This little guy LOVES the phone. Once you give it to him, god help you if you take it away! Even when we’re just talking on the phone, Ryan wants to have it. Very recently Ryan has also gotten into books. He’ll bring one and plop right in the lap and wait for you to let him turn the pages. It’s so cute!

All of these little guys are growing so fast. They really do play well together, are on a good schedule and are really happy. Every day when I see something new or funny or whatever I think “I won’t forget that”. Now it’s hard to remember the details of the day to day. I need to keep better records. One of these days I’ll get to their baby books and be able to fill those out. I’m a little disappointed in myself for not taking the time to write more. Both to keep the memories as well has my sense of well being.

Other notes of things they enjoy: being outside, wagon rides, being chased around the family room, toddling in the house freely, their baths, jumping up and down in their cribs when they wake up and watching tv (Little Einsteins, Backyardigans, Mickey Mouse Club, Handy Manny and “Puzzle Time” on Noggin). Although they watch Baby Einstein videos a lot less this last 3 months or so, Shapes and The Farm are still ones they like.

The boys have all taken turns having splinters in their hands. The fence, gate and play area are bordered with rough wood. We had to do “surgery” on Gary’s hand with a huge splinter about 3 weeks ago. Definitely NOT fun. Hopefully we won’t have to do that again!

Until the next update…

Glass Half Full

I’ve been thinking a lot about blogging lately and finally have taken some action! Here’s the first one…

So many ideas have been running through my head this last week. I love it when it feels like there are no limits. This particular post is a long one, but then again, my thoughts have been going crazy rattling around in my head.

As most know, we moved to Reno last July and it has been a rough road. Since about last August, my glass has been pretty much half empty. The lists of why is long and distinguished. Lots of financial stress, the terrible move we endured with Puliz moving company, houses in Vegas, the legal battle with John over the girls (and losing the very expensive battle), beginning a new job that I quickly discovered that I’m not truly passionate about, discomfort at learning this new job and not really liking the whole hotel/casino deal, and finally working at an office instead of at home like I had for the last 6 years. Combine that with little free time and consistent weight gain. What a wonderful place to be. Not so much.

This week a childhood friend of my mother’s is visiting. Artis and mom have known each other since before kindergarten. Both have seen and been through a lot. Artis was diagnosed about a year ago (I think) with pancreatic cancer which really was a rare bile duct cancer. She’s had surgery and is trying to recover. Her cancer cannot be cured. She’s optimistic about miracles and experimental treatments, but her doctors have told her that it’s terminal. I personally have not spent much time with Artis in my lifetime, but having her here and staying with us has really forced me to think about things in my own life. Observing the various levels of difficulty that she is enduring with doctors, medication, and her body make my life look like a cakewalk. Artis is also battling her illness without any immediate family support.

Over the last few days it has become apparent to me that I clearly have been looking at my life situations as “glass half empty”. I’ve replayed some of my conversations with my family and friends. They’ve been about how bad things are. How my relationship is broken with the girls, how hard it is to financially recover from the move, how I’m ashamed that I’ve gained so much weight. Frustration over my job. How dirty my house is and on and on and on.

When Artis arrived this last Wednesday evening, I saw a frail woman who was clearly exhausted by the 8 hour drive she made from Vegas to visit mom. Although I didn’t know her well prior to this visit but Artis came right in and felt comfortable talking about her illness and struggles. She asked me to help her with some medication and I did. After Artis went to bed, I was really emotional. Sad for her. It stuck with me through the night. I wondered how I could possibly think for a moment that things were so bad for me when this woman, who has endured enough heartache, and has rebounded from terrible situation countless times, gets terminal cancer.

I went into work the next morning, raw with emotion. Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about my own negative thoughts. Everyone I know has been told the sad story of what has happened to my family since the move to Reno. As the workday wore on, began to feel grateful. Grateful for the people in my life, grateful for being employed. Grateful that I can work on repairing the relationship with the girls. Grateful for my amazing husband. Grateful that the people in my life happy and healthy. Grateful that I can turn around weight gain. I know what to do. Although I was really tired the entire day, it was clear that I can’t wait another day to try to improve my situations. Life is simply too short. Very cliche I know, but I truly felt and still feel that way.

As mom, Artis and I have talked these last few days, I find that Artis has faith, is optimistic and will talk to me about anything. She puts herself out there. We were talking just last night about home decor and my aspiration to turn my house into a comfy lodgelike environment. I remarked that maybe someday it’ll happen when I win the lottery (I don’t gamble) and then I’ll finally be able to do it. Artis right away jumped in and said that are so many things I can do without a lot of money. She began talking about finding things at yard sales, wrapping twine around vases and ways that I can put nature into my vision of pine cones and rustic furniture. She became passionate about how to do things simply, naturally and creatively. As we talked, I found myself engaged in the conversation but also watching her. She was in the moment. It was a beautiful thing. She’s living so in the moment, both mom and Artis are going to teach me how to paint with acrylic paints on a blank canvas. Artis taught mom not too long ago and I’m happy that she’s up to it and willing to spend her time doing that rather than something else. I can’t wait!

As for myself, I have a renewed commitment for living in Reno, which by the way has been beautiful, and working toward changing the various situations I’m dealing with. Perhaps Artis has impacted me so deeply because I wasn’t able (thank goodness) to watch my dad deal with his surgery and cancer. We were busy resting and growing little boys. I guess I’ve never seen it so closely. I’m trying not to over think it. So, with that, my glass is full!