Month: October 2009

Catching up – End of September through October

As usual, time flies. End of September brought the Bards moving out of the house with no rent paid. Again, we totally get screwed. Just made it through the Sweet Jewel mess and here we are with a new horrid situation with Fair Play. Deann and Carlos have been so generous and have come from Summerlin to Henderson to show it. It’s fantastic that we have such good friends, but it’s horrible when people don’t show up.
September ended on a high note, as I had applied to get a job at a casino doing social media marketing which is really my new passion. I enjoyed some wine with Candy and then headed home. Things were looking up considering the job hadn’t been very fun. Still a lot of conflict with marketing.
Chip’s birthday on 10/1 brought more than just birthday wishes. I wasn’t feeling well. Feeling pretty weird actually. Very emotional. I had definitely felt this way in the past but hadn’t really put it all together. So on a hunch I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Yes, I said positive. That afternoon I went to the doctor (after taking another pregnancy test) and took a blood test. Yep, sure enough I am pregnant. The hcg count was 118. I went off to St. Paul for work and had to wait until I returned to do the next blood test. We told mom first and she was happy. Then we Skype’d with Hortons for Chip’s birthday and told them as well. The next morning I called and told Kristy and it was sort of offensive. She asked why Chip didn’t get snipped and if we knew how that happened. Of course we do. It was just strange. I was already trying to deal with the shock myself.
I geared up to to go to St. Paul, MN (October 3 to October 8) for my first trip to the MLT travel agent show. It was a really cool visit. I saw Susan Haigh-Bishop and traveled with Terry and Michelle from Atlantis. The trade show was fine, but I was not very energetic and tried to keep up. On top of being a neat city and being able to walk all over, I was also in the city for the first Vikings vs. Packers game with Favre playing for Minnesota. The buzz of it was so cool to be a part of. Even more, the Twins were finishing their season as well. Lastly, but not most important, I visited the Mall of America. Oh my god, it’s HUGE. I spent 3 hours there. I think you almost need 3 days in there! I was fighting a lot of a fatigue and was wondering if this pregnancy thing was really working. It was hard because we decided not to tell very many people. I was trying not to give much away with my fatigue and laying low on the drinking. Lucky for me it wasn’t too noticable. I headed home on Thursday morning and arrived in Reno in the late afternoon. I was exhausted. Time change and 2 very full, very hot planes. The plane was so gross with this guy next to me in the middle. I got off the plane, got my stuff, had the blood draw for my 2nd hcg level. I was finally home! Once in the door, I immediately went to take a shower. The next day, Friday Jane’s office called and the count for the hcg was 3201. Since they couldn’t tell me much, I called Dr. Bohman’s office and talked to them. He said the numbers were high…meaning multiples…so he wanted to see me the next week. Friday brought the Travel Agent University Fam luncheon which was really good.
Christina arrived on Monday, Women’s travel group started Monday. Met RoseMarie and the group on that evening. It was a weird and I was a little bitter that Christina was virtually shut out. Total crap. A whole new view of RoseMarie. The other ladies were super great to get to know. Especially Suzi and Nan. Nan reminds me of Chris Fegert. It was a neat “think tank” environment. The meeting was intense and good. Went down to Vegas on Thursday 10/16 and learned the night before that Kaitlyn sprained her ankle at gymnastics. On crutches. Saw the girls for about 30 minutes while showing Fair Play. Finally rented. They won’t move in until November. Better than sitting empty I guess. Well definitely better than sitting empty. Signed the lease and dropped the girls off. They went to a Lakers game with their dad that evening.

Before seeing the girls and showing the house I saw Bohman for an ultrasound to check out what was up with the hcg count and finally see what was happening inside. One baby, which was a great big relief. It really took me by surprise when I reacted so emotionally once I saw it on the screen in the doctor’s office. I guess it wasn’t real to me, I mean really real to me until I saw the movement and heard the heartbeat. This pregnancy is just really strange all the way around. Referred to a Reno doc. Feeling insecure about it since Bohman and group were so good to me.

Mom left to go home for awhile since Colvins are here. Nice for everyone I think.

Colvins arrived on Saturdary night. Very nice to have Christina and Fred and Celia here at once. The boys really enjoyed it. Chip went off to Madison, WI for work so it was a bit of a long week, but very good to have a ton of help. I feel very fortunate.
Chip is off to Madison for the week for work.