Year: 2009

Really? Influenza A? Swine Flu??? You’ve got to be kidding!

We were so excited because the girls would be spending 5 weeks with us for their summer visit. It was a little scary and yet exciting to have the family together for a good amount of time. Both girls flew in on 7/13. Kaitlyn had called me earlier that day and said she wasn’t feeling well. I asked her if she was nervous or if she ate something that didn’t agree with her. She said no. I told her to rest, lay down and hopefully it would be better later in the day. So I went to get the girls at the airport. Kaitlyn and Gillian walked out of security and I gave them both huge hugs. It had been over a month since they had been to Reno, so I was really happy to see them. Kaitlyn just looked awful. Pale and she said she definitely didn’t feel good. I stopped at Trader Joes and Longs on the way home because it was near the airport. Kaitlyn stayed in the car and was pretty lethargic. It just didn’t seem right. We got home and I took her temp and it was 102. I started freaking out. Then came all of the other stuff that goes with flu. The poor kid was miserable. She made it through the night and the next day she said her throat hurt. I thought maybe she had strep throat so I wanted to get that taken care of right away if she was going to be sick with something contagious.

We head to the doctor that afternoon. Kaitlyn was still so under the weather. Seeing the doctor was an afternoon ordeal. She was not poked, but boy they swabbed her throat and her nose twice! Poor kids. Turns out that Kaitlyn didn’t have strep, but did have Influenza A flu. The next bit of news was that it could possibly be the same strain as Swine Flu. WONDERFUL! So the doctor said since it could be swine flu, we ALL as in all 8 of us needed to take Tamiflu just in case it is swine flu. So she wrote us 8 prescriptions. I couldn’t believe it was happening. OMG. The girls had just arrived the night before! I was beyond angry that the time was being eaten with illness rather than family time. Kaitlyn was really great about not touching the boys when she arrived. She herself said she wasn’t feeling good and didn’t want to pass on any germs. So along with illness, we waited at the pharmacy for 2 hours to get all of the medicine. The copay bill came to $307.oo. That was with our insurance. Kaitlyn and I headed home after that…now 7 p.m. in the evening. She’s feeling crappy and I’ve simply had enough. All of us did our job and did the Tamiflu. The boys had liquid and apparently it didn’t taste good. Quite the chore to get it into them. A few days later we did learn it was swine flu. Wow. I certainly had quite a bit of anger towards her dad because he had been sick a few days prior.

Father’s Day in Truckee

Fathers Day 2009 – Chip’s 2nd father’s day. The morning started just like any other. Breakfast, playing, nap. Routine stuff. I kept asking him what he wanted to do. Chip finally decided that we’d check out Truckee, CA. Neither one of us had ever been, so why not? After the nap, we packed up the little guys, diaper bag, toys, hats, and the wagon. Sounds simple, but trust me it takes probably 30 minutes just to get to the car. So we get going to Truckee about 45 minutes to the West on I-80, towards North Lake Tahoe. The drive was really pretty and the boys looked out the windows and messed with their toys as we drive. It was really nice! Truckee is a cute little place. Very small, sorta granola/hippy. Really laid back people. It’s definitely green up there.

After arriving, we pull out the wagon and ride around, up and down looking at the shops. We can’t really go in with the wagon, but people stop and ask about having triplets and in general are super nice. The boys just looked around, taking it all in. While we were wandering around checking things out, we came across the Truckee recreation center. It just so happens that it had a play area, so we “broke” into the “locked” gate and let the boys loose. They loved it! Ryan was all over the play equipment and we took a bunch of pictures. Ben of course tried to find the nearest way to break out. He’s so silly and curious. Gary checked it out all the way around. We knew it was time to head out when all three of them huddled around the wagon. Bored. Gotta go. So away we went, packed everything up and headed home. The ride was really great until about 2/3 of the way home, right at the edge of Reno. We have Ryan and Ben in the far back seat and Gary sits in the captains chair behind the driver’s seat. Next thing we know, Ryan is throwing up all over himself, his seat and crying. Of course we’re on the freeway so there’s not much that can be done immediately. A couple of excruciating exits later we pull over. It is very consistent that one of the 3 will throw up (most often it’s Gary) and/or be unhappy. So we cleaned Ryan up as best we could in the parking lot of a 7-11. Lucky for us we had a jacket. So we stripped him down, gave him a quick sponge bath with wipes and put him back in the seat. 20 minutes later we were at home and exhausted. Each outing gets a little easier, but it is quite an undertaking for both of us. We know we’ll look back and know that every experience was worthwhile.

Boys 18 mos. checkup – well really 21 months

Had a doctors appointment on June 10. What a calamity that was! Chip went for the first time. We had a brutal “practice run” the week prior because I, with my full mind, thought our appointment was the week before. So the week before we got up, got the boys going and then what do you know? I thought the doctors office was so easy to find that I didn’t bother with a map or a phone number or anything. Mostly because both Chip and I were so trying to get out the door and not be late (yeah, right). So we drove in the correct neighborhood, but I could not remember which building it was. On top of road construction it was amazingly interesting (not in a good way) to try and figure out where we needed to go. The even bigger discovery was that neither one of us had our cell phones. How crazy and irresponsible is that??? Chip was so wonderful, not once did he criticize and he had SO many opportunities. Once we arrived at the office, very disheaveled I might add, the nice woman said they couldn’t see us. Oh my god! I understood, but also wanted to ask her if she had any idea what it took for us to get out of the house? So not her problem.

We finally “rearrived” on the appropriate day, did not get lost and was on time. We saw this crazy nurse who was quite possibly the loudest person I had ever met. After the lecture about shoes, what should be in our car for emergencies and lastly an entire dissertation about her experiences raising children that included the hardships of raising children after having knee surgery. Chip and I just kept looking at each other. Meanwhile the little guys are stripped to the diaper and all over the dirty floor (yuck!) and trying to manage a pedialyte pop, which was a first for them. Didn’t take long for restlessness to set in and pretty soon as nurse know-it-all who means well boys were starting to get cranky. Finally Dr. Tammy Roessler came in. Chip an I felt saved. She’s so great.

One of the things I really like about her is that she’s really realistic about caring for kids. She understands what we’re dealing with. However, she broke it to us that we really need to take them off of the bottle before they’re 2 years old. OMG! I can’t imagine what that will be like.

The little boys update – 5/31/09

These little boys are just too funny. When I see them do something new almost every day and how they are little sponges, I think to myself “I’ve got to write that down”. Now that I’m committed to blogging, I’ll be importing old stuff that I have in various different places and will now update here. The boys now have a summer swimming pool that they just love. It’s so fun to watch them splash around. It’s really cool. All the boys still love walks in the wagon and can’t get enough of being outside. However, now the boys get bored with just the back yard.

Gary – This little guy just can’t get enough! He wants to say and try everything. Gary has really come a long way this month. He’s trying really hard to talk and now can say: ball, tree, green, car (car has been in the last 2 months), hey, bye, hi and me. Gary can also point out things on his head. He knows nose and eyes, as well as hair, ear and mouth. He can’t say them all very well but he sure tries! He especially loves to point them out on other people. Gary loves books, puzzles, the stacking blocks and calls Ben “B”. Gary also has really sensitive skin. Eczema is all over him. He’s also still daredevil and wants to try everything. Gary still absolutely loves hot dogs, pirates booty, yogurt, pasta, veggie corn dogs and banana muffins I make. He also fights over the blue cloud blanket with Ryan. Luckily Gary is laid back enough to let it go and get another. He also tends to get motion sick. We have found that out on 3 occasions. Oh yeah, Gary is deathly afraid of Blues Clues. Puts his hands on his ears and cries when he sees it come on tv.

Ben – This boy still loves to play alone with cars. He’s so tall and skinny still! Finally in the last couple of months he’s getting more hair. Ben is all about laying on the floor with his blanket and bottle. He doesn’t even care if the bottle is empty. He’s really a content kid. He also gets picked on more than Gary by Ryan. He’s getting more vocal about that and most things in general. There is so much more babble coming from Ben. Ben seems to be the most adaptable of all the boys. He’s a great eater. Loves really carby stuff like Pirate’s Booty, pasta, Cheetos, Cheerios, Chex and fishies. He also really likes veggies like green beans and corn (LOVES IT). Like his brothers, Ben likes fruit too. Grapes and mandarin organges are the biggest hits. Ben is the best of the 3 at using a fork. He can spear a lot and usually even makes it to his mouth. 🙂 In the last week or so Ben has also really taken an interest in books. That makes Chip and I really happy! Ben can say hi and dadda. He loves to be outside and plant with his daddy. Like his brothers, Ben also loves to play in the water. Ryan and Ben fight over the water hose. Ben will be out in the pool and soaking himself until he shivers and still can’t get enough.

Ryan – Still the bubba! He totally understands that he can intimidate his brothers, push them down and take things away. They are fighting back better, but Ryan still usually gets his way. Ryan is just his own little person. He loves the cloud blanket. He’ll be the one to take it from Gary in the mornings. Ryan is an emotional little guy. He’s sad when he gets in trouble or is told no. He fights us the most when getting dressed and diapers changed. Then in a few minutes he’s totally happy again! His laugh is infectious and when Ryan smiles his whole face lights up. Lately he’s really attached to this red “lego” car. The front and back come off of it and he takes them off and can’t quite put them back on, so he “asks” for help by alerting us via grunts and pushing the car at us. He says yah yah and hi. Ryan loves his routine. He’s also the shyest I think. In the last few months we’ve seen that Ryan will cry some at new places and new people and then in a couple of hours he’s great. This little guy LOVES the phone. Once you give it to him, god help you if you take it away! Even when we’re just talking on the phone, Ryan wants to have it. Very recently Ryan has also gotten into books. He’ll bring one and plop right in the lap and wait for you to let him turn the pages. It’s so cute!

All of these little guys are growing so fast. They really do play well together, are on a good schedule and are really happy. Every day when I see something new or funny or whatever I think “I won’t forget that”. Now it’s hard to remember the details of the day to day. I need to keep better records. One of these days I’ll get to their baby books and be able to fill those out. I’m a little disappointed in myself for not taking the time to write more. Both to keep the memories as well has my sense of well being.

Other notes of things they enjoy: being outside, wagon rides, being chased around the family room, toddling in the house freely, their baths, jumping up and down in their cribs when they wake up and watching tv (Little Einsteins, Backyardigans, Mickey Mouse Club, Handy Manny and “Puzzle Time” on Noggin). Although they watch Baby Einstein videos a lot less this last 3 months or so, Shapes and The Farm are still ones they like.

The boys have all taken turns having splinters in their hands. The fence, gate and play area are bordered with rough wood. We had to do “surgery” on Gary’s hand with a huge splinter about 3 weeks ago. Definitely NOT fun. Hopefully we won’t have to do that again!

Until the next update…

Glass Half Full

I’ve been thinking a lot about blogging lately and finally have taken some action! Here’s the first one…

So many ideas have been running through my head this last week. I love it when it feels like there are no limits. This particular post is a long one, but then again, my thoughts have been going crazy rattling around in my head.

As most know, we moved to Reno last July and it has been a rough road. Since about last August, my glass has been pretty much half empty. The lists of why is long and distinguished. Lots of financial stress, the terrible move we endured with Puliz moving company, houses in Vegas, the legal battle with John over the girls (and losing the very expensive battle), beginning a new job that I quickly discovered that I’m not truly passionate about, discomfort at learning this new job and not really liking the whole hotel/casino deal, and finally working at an office instead of at home like I had for the last 6 years. Combine that with little free time and consistent weight gain. What a wonderful place to be. Not so much.

This week a childhood friend of my mother’s is visiting. Artis and mom have known each other since before kindergarten. Both have seen and been through a lot. Artis was diagnosed about a year ago (I think) with pancreatic cancer which really was a rare bile duct cancer. She’s had surgery and is trying to recover. Her cancer cannot be cured. She’s optimistic about miracles and experimental treatments, but her doctors have told her that it’s terminal. I personally have not spent much time with Artis in my lifetime, but having her here and staying with us has really forced me to think about things in my own life. Observing the various levels of difficulty that she is enduring with doctors, medication, and her body make my life look like a cakewalk. Artis is also battling her illness without any immediate family support.

Over the last few days it has become apparent to me that I clearly have been looking at my life situations as “glass half empty”. I’ve replayed some of my conversations with my family and friends. They’ve been about how bad things are. How my relationship is broken with the girls, how hard it is to financially recover from the move, how I’m ashamed that I’ve gained so much weight. Frustration over my job. How dirty my house is and on and on and on.

When Artis arrived this last Wednesday evening, I saw a frail woman who was clearly exhausted by the 8 hour drive she made from Vegas to visit mom. Although I didn’t know her well prior to this visit but Artis came right in and felt comfortable talking about her illness and struggles. She asked me to help her with some medication and I did. After Artis went to bed, I was really emotional. Sad for her. It stuck with me through the night. I wondered how I could possibly think for a moment that things were so bad for me when this woman, who has endured enough heartache, and has rebounded from terrible situation countless times, gets terminal cancer.

I went into work the next morning, raw with emotion. Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about my own negative thoughts. Everyone I know has been told the sad story of what has happened to my family since the move to Reno. As the workday wore on, began to feel grateful. Grateful for the people in my life, grateful for being employed. Grateful that I can work on repairing the relationship with the girls. Grateful for my amazing husband. Grateful that the people in my life happy and healthy. Grateful that I can turn around weight gain. I know what to do. Although I was really tired the entire day, it was clear that I can’t wait another day to try to improve my situations. Life is simply too short. Very cliche I know, but I truly felt and still feel that way.

As mom, Artis and I have talked these last few days, I find that Artis has faith, is optimistic and will talk to me about anything. She puts herself out there. We were talking just last night about home decor and my aspiration to turn my house into a comfy lodgelike environment. I remarked that maybe someday it’ll happen when I win the lottery (I don’t gamble) and then I’ll finally be able to do it. Artis right away jumped in and said that are so many things I can do without a lot of money. She began talking about finding things at yard sales, wrapping twine around vases and ways that I can put nature into my vision of pine cones and rustic furniture. She became passionate about how to do things simply, naturally and creatively. As we talked, I found myself engaged in the conversation but also watching her. She was in the moment. It was a beautiful thing. She’s living so in the moment, both mom and Artis are going to teach me how to paint with acrylic paints on a blank canvas. Artis taught mom not too long ago and I’m happy that she’s up to it and willing to spend her time doing that rather than something else. I can’t wait!

As for myself, I have a renewed commitment for living in Reno, which by the way has been beautiful, and working toward changing the various situations I’m dealing with. Perhaps Artis has impacted me so deeply because I wasn’t able (thank goodness) to watch my dad deal with his surgery and cancer. We were busy resting and growing little boys. I guess I’ve never seen it so closely. I’m trying not to over think it. So, with that, my glass is full!

Ben poops, our first trip to a restaurant for Gillian’s birthday during the girl’s spring break visit

4/10 – Ben poops in the tub….ewwwww! Whole family goes to Red Robin. The first time for all of us. Went well but was a lot of work. We celebrated Gillian’s 10th birthday. Had a little party with a couple of neighbor kids. It was hard because Gilli invited 7 and only 2 came. However, it’s spring break and kids are off and running. The break in Vegas is almost over. In any case, our trip was exhausting, but both Chip and I felt a good sense of success. It’s so cool to stand outside of Red Robin and hug a hug of success! No one really understands it, but it’s a strong bond between us and helps solidify our family values. Ryan was really scared at first and I held him and walked around the restaurant and talked to him. He definitely was afraid, but it only took a bit of time for him to at least try it out. It was so funny. They were all a bit scared in the car. Ryan’s eyes were like saucers…just didn’t know what to think. Gary was actually shaking. It’s odd to see, but we know it’s so good to get out. Especially with all of the kids…all 5 of them.

Kaitlyn came last Saturday for her break. Gillian had already been here for 2 weeks because of her track break. We’ve had a great time. Kaitlyn coming has been a bit more challenging, but we had a frank conversation about whether she wanted to be here and what the deal was. It was an interesting conversation because a lot of what was said in the conversation were things that were said by John in court. It was really good for us and the back half of the week has been much better than the first. Kaitlyn seems to be more open. It’s a very good thing! Progress, not perfection, right?

Speaking of progress…sometimes when you feel like you’re making a step or two forward you really aren’t? The next day after the confrontation with Kaitlyn, we found ourselves talking (Chip, mom and I) about the situation with John, Kaitlyn, the girls in general, etc. A point in the conversation it turned pretty tense. Mom had a lot to say and just was not saying it. Most things I felt were not what I thought and some of them we just have a strong difference of opinion. I still won’t give up on the girls….nope, won’t do it. Sometimes I think they’re easily dismissed. They are as relevant as anyone else. It’s just not easy. I wish I/we could do more for mom and I try so hard to give to everyone credit, my thankfulness and consideration. I’m in no way perfect, but felt that I was hopefully doing the right thing…some days I think so, others I don’t. Right now I feel like I’m hanging on by a fingernail….literally. Wine seems to help, but isn’t a great answer, but I really feel so stressed. Work is not great but it is what it is and we need it. Financially we’re barely making it, but are surviving. Being in Reno is hard. These choices are painful. I wonder if I made the right ones. That continues to follow me for sure. It’s the hardest thing to work through.

I took Wed. through Friday off due to the discussion with mom and Kaitlyn’s behavior. It was such a cluster! But today was pretty good…did laundry, made Gillian’s cake. prepared for her birthday, and took care of the boys. Long and busy day. Well worth every moment. Of course, the boys also needed a bath. They were just grubby! So I gave each one a bath. Gary first, he loved it since it had been awhile since he had bathed without his brothers. Anyway, Ben was last. He had gotten up late and was almost ready to nap. I had also changed the sheets in the boys room since they seem to wet through night diapers. What a busy day…anyway, I was going to the bathroom in our toilet room and I can see Ben. He’s standing now and from the toilet I tell him to sit down. The next thing I know he’s chucking something small out of the tub. I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out. So I finish my business and then try to figure out what he’s chucking out of the tub. Little did I know, but quickly figured out that he was tossing his own turds from the tub! I was mortified to see floaties in the tub. His hair and body had been washed. OMG. I took him out immediately and tried to sponge bath him in the sink. I hope it’s good enough. Then I used the boat tub toy to scoop out the rest of the turds. It was pretty gross to see floaties in with the tub toys. YUCK. Anyway, I cleaned him up and then the tub and toys were thrown into the tub with cleaner. Tub totally scrubbed down. It was just funny for sure to see him react. There seemed to be NOT EVEN a clue that he had crapped in the tub. It was funny and frustrating at the same time. Go Ben! He’ll be the kid to do it for sure. So there were a lot of things that happened today, but it’s all good. I’m sad the girls are leaving…they won’t be back until memorial Day. My mom wants us to bring the boys, but not sure. We’ll see if we can hang at Kristys. Maybe just visit for the day. We’ll see. More to come later….