Month: March 2013

These monkeys of mine!

Dinner table discussion…no it’s not a joke.

Gary: How do you kill a chicken?

Me: You can cut their heads off. That’s what grandpa used to do.

Chip: See this funnel? You can put the chickens in here and then cut them off.

Gary and Carter: When I grow up I am going cut heads off of chickens.

Ryan: Yeah, we can cut the heads off.

Ben: I’m gonna cut the rest of the parts, wings, legs and all the rest.

Gary: Can you shoot chickens?

Me: You could but their heads are small and you don’t want to blow away the body.

It’s the Alaskan in me with memories of my dad killing turkeys. I hated those things. They sh*t everywhere! Marlas Prevo you know! Meanwhile I am trying to contain my laughter. These guys crack me up. As an afterthought they asked what part of the chicken we ate for dinner. I told them it was all “chicken chests”. Only at the McVey house.