Month: June 2013

Carter Turns 3!

Happy, happy birthday to our sweet littlest man.  3 years…boy the time flies!  It’s all about Thomas the Train, just as last year.  Later we will celebrate with cake and presents.  Can’t wait to see his little face light up.  One of his favorite episodes on Netflix of Thomas is “Day of the Diesel”.  We told him this morning that it’s “Day of the Carter”.

What a fabulous day!  Carter had an awesome birthday. It’s so funny that his birthday dinner choice (we let them all choose their meal on their birthday) was “noodles and chicken nuggets”.  One would think it would be pizza or something.  Nope, not the Carterbug.  His is is own little man.  Sweet beyond sweet and sharper than a tack.  We did make him eat some fruit too so I felt a little better about it.  Pictures of the celebration to come.  Wish more family near and far could have joined us.  Our FL fam joined in via Skype.  Technology rocks!