31 Week Update

We’ve been monitoring twice a week and today we made it to 31 weeks, which is the national average for triplets! Very good news indeed, however I am so worn out, that I am ready for these babies to join us on the outside. Get a look at these beautiful pictures and you’ll have an idea as to how tired I am. Not my most flattering I must say, but it is what it is. I’ve managed to gain 33 pounds now, which surprises even me, as I wonder how there is anymore room for food or babies. The heartburn is a nightly reminder! It is also incredibly difficult to sleep and be comfortable in bed, however I am adhering to doctors orders of modified bed rest.

Dr. Bohman says we will “let it ride” for a couple more weeks (how very Vegas). 3 or 4 more weeks if we can and if my body cooperates. This will depend on so many factors. First and foremost, it will depend on if anyone – the babies or me – become distressed. The second will be contractions. Right now I’ve had exactly 1 contraction in the almost 4 weeks we’ve been monitoring twice a week. I am beginning to swell up in my hands and feet, so that could become a blood pressure problem which will lead to babies being born sooner, but we’ll see. I sincerely want to go longer so that the babies spend less time in the NICU and could possibly come home with us if we can make it to 34 or 35 weeks. That would be fabulous.

The monitoring appointments take 2 to 3 hours each and they listen to each heartbeat and monitor for contractions. It also takes a long time because my specialist’s office doesn’t have a triplet monitor, only for twins. Then the doctor does an ultrasound scan to ensure each baby is moving. Sometimes they are stubborn. Baby A doesn’t move much and hangs out really low by my pelvic bone, baby B flops like a fish between the middle and the right side and Baby C moves around some and hangs out very high almost in my chest, which makes it difficult at times to breath deeply. So we are now in a holding pattern. Holding for whatever comes next. We will keep everyone posted as to what is going on as soon as more news is available.

On a lighter note, my sister Kristy, her husband and her daughter came from Winnemucca to bring some things from Grandma that will really come in handy! They also brought some much needed equipment from Abby. We had a great time together too! This week Carrie also came by to visit along with Bonnie who all brought some great gifts for the babies. I’m so grateful for visitors, it sure makes the time pass more quickly.

We’ve updated the listed to reflect the last gifts we’ve received. Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support both with gifts and kind words. It means so much to us

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