8 & 9 Week Update

This was the second ultrasound, all is good. Embryos are growing well. Dr. McConnell referred us out to my regular OB/GYN, Dr. Torres to do the first prenatal visit since the fertility group will only work with us until we’re 13 weeks along. On March 26, we saw Dr. Torres, and I did my first bloodwork – gallons of blood were taken from me. 11 tubes. I did pretty well considering I want to pass out from it most of the time.

During our appointment we discussed that maybe we would need to work directly with a high risk pregnancy specialist, a perinatologist, instead of working with Torres. It would waste so much of our time to have to communicate information back and forth as well as see 2 doctors instead of one. I really was torn, as Dr. Torres has been my doc for 12 years and delivered Kaitlyn and Gillian. Chip wasn’t thrilled since he doesn’t much care for Torres, but I guess I just have an emotional attachment. Torres said he would assist in the delivery if we wanted. Certainly a lot to digest. I needed more time to think about it. Then Dr. Torres referred us to Desert Perinatalogy – Dr. Wilkes, since we would need to see a specialist regardless of whether or not we worked with 2 doctors or one. So we left Dr. Torres office and went home. Chip and I thought we’d see how things went with the new specialist and make decisions from there.

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