The hits just keep on comin’…and not in a good way

Ah the joys of having a new baby, crazy emotions and lots of things going on.  Life is complicated right now.  Throw in very little sleep and well it’s sort of a mess.

While I’m on maternity leave it has also been an opportunity to begin to clean up our house and our messes.  The other “must be dealt with” messes are 3 houses that we can’t sell and with the child support issues we will no longer be able to pay the mortgages unless we do something drastic.  Chip and I have decided the drastic and least damaging would be to do a short sale.  The complicated piece is that although we’re losing a significant amount of money, 2 of the 3 properties are rented.  What to do about those families?  Where is the line?
 Primarily all of the disaster is due to the court issues we’ve had.  There are other factors like getting a bill for $300.00 from our landscaper at one of the houses that we are being fined by the homeowners association.  So, let me find some sort of logic in the fines of $1,500.00 for a “dead lawn” on an occupied property…

All of it makes me want to run away screaming.  Especially the business with the state.  I finally get my caseworker on the phone who basically treats me as a criminal.

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