5/19 – First potty sit and family dinner

Today was quite the day. The boys are getting so big! Gary sat on the potty all by himself with NO diaper. Surely this is mundane for most, but not in our house! It was a milestone for us. This prompted a huge temper tantrum from Ben because Gary got M&Ms for sitting on the potty. He wailed for probably 20 minutes. The other two boys are completely mortified of sitting on the potty. It’s sorta funny, but then again not because they are so terrified. For the life of me I can’t figure out why. Chip has taken them into the bathroom and shown them how it was done. Ever since the boys really haven’t wanted anything to do with potty. I even bought 3 different potty chairs to make it more fun. I’m not sure what else to try. They seem to be unable to put it all together. Gary however loved the glory today and sat on all 3 potty chairs with a naked but. Ironically he was wearing a shirt that said “Future President” that Christina brought for them from D.C. It was pretty cute.

We also had another first. Dinner at the table with the 5 of us. It was simple. Basically hamburger stroganoff with veggies and mushrooms thrown in. Poured over the top of wheat egg noodles. It didn’t even really taste fantastic, but it was a moment that we hadn’t experienced yet. It didn’t seem to phase them. The boys were all over the map. Talking constantly and saying funny things. It cracked Chip and I up. They spent a fair amount of time saying “more bootie” and “more noodles”. We kept telling them to “stab your noodles”.

We ended the evening with chocolate cupcake from Costco. I’ve been craving them, so they are in the fridge from Mother’s Day. I like the white cake so the boys get the chocolate ones. They’re to die for! Anyway, we brushed their teeth after. All of them enjoyed that which was great.

It all then fell apart. Gary threw a fit over putting his pajamas on. Chip had him all but pinned to the floor. He was kicking and screaming the whole way. Of course then Ryan went off because he was scared for Gary. Ben was quiet, but then again he had his moment earlier in the day. It’s so crazy to hear them wail. It’s like fingernails down a chalkboard for 30 minutes at a time. All three carried on for at least that long at least once, probably more like twice each.

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