End of January – Little boys growing up

I can’t believe how fast these little guys are growing!

We have a new ritual…Watching the Disney movie “Cars”. The boys just love it. I was as surprised as anyone that they actually are interested in it. One evening we took out “couchbed” and I made a batch of popcorn! HOLY COW! They loved it. Had a fantastic time. So did mommy and daddy. We finished the movie after they went to bed. It was too funny. Our first family time. It’s wonderful. I love it.

All the little guys are using semi-full sentences. Like “Watch Teletubbies” from Ben and “Daddy do it” from Gary and RyRy still talks the most “Uh-Oh phone”. “Ready eat” is pretty common from both Ben and Ryan. Gary tends to drag out his words adding more syllables.

Ben is far more out of his shell, talks some. Ben tends to cry more to communicate his wants or speaks in one or two words. He LOVES the Leapster game and they all really fight over it. They also like our old cell phones. Gary and Ryan fight and “trade” often. Gary and Ryan also use the phones and say “Take a picture”. Ryan also says “Get up” and both Gary and Ryan say “Open gate” and “Go outside”.

All of the boys are sitting at the table with no trays and eating with utensils a good amount of the time. Ryan and Gary LOVE Bacon and meats. Ben on the other hand is our carb boy. All of them like corn, Pirate’s Booty, Cheetos and hot dogs. Mac and Cheese is a fave too along with any pasta with red sauce. We’ve graduated from sippy cups with handles to “new cups” and plastic plates with Monkeys on them. We still had a few from when Kaitlyn and Gillian were little, so on occasion they eat off of a Barbie or Power Puff Girl plate. I don’t think it will cause too much damage.

As for movies, they still like shapes, but are really into Teletubbies and watching YouTube videos while we eat. They like Laurie Berkner “5 days old” and “Family”. They hear it so often, they like to even sing along. Gary loves to have “iPod on”. All the boys love their sister’s when they’re here. They tell the girls “come in Gill Gill” or “KK do it”.

Gary is obsessed with accessories. He loves glasses and shoes. We joke often that maybe he’ll be a fashion designer…

Ryan is still very particular about clothes. He still loves stripes and red. Bat shirt is less now. Sometimes it’s not fun when he doesn’t like what he has to choose from, but we make it through some morning fits to get him dressed.

All 3 boys have had trouble over the last 6 months at least with constipation. That seems to be going away. Thank goodness! I was beginning to think we needed to buy stock in the Miralax company.

Video of singing and popcorn eating…along with images.

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