Curious little boys

The little guys are just as busy as ever! Ryan is catching up with Gary on the letters and can say a fair amount of them. Gary knows all of the alphabet and some colors as well as a few shapes. Ryan can also say some shapes, but hasn’t grasped colors yet.

All the little ones are crazy for the computers and ipods and anything else electronic they can get their hands on.

Gary said “mama car” and “bye ball” in the last few weeks.

Ryan is saying more 2 syllable works. Like “W” and “umbrella”, “checker”, and “hot dog”. He definitely knows when he wants to “eat!”. Ryan’s the best at pointing out his own or others with “caca” and “skinky”.

I was thinking the other day that they are just little sponges, doing and learning so much. We’re still waiting for Ben to catch up, but he compensates with his climbing and eating. They all eat a lot, but Ben totally chows!

Last weekend we all went to a BBQ at Michelle Engleman’s house from Grand Sierra. She’s fantastic! Anyway, I’ve realized a few things. a). God bless anyone who opens their home to triplets who only have 1 child and he’s grown. b). It’s far more exhausting now than it ever was when they were newborn. Now everything is game since all 3 are mobile. Since they are sponges and learning everything, everything needs to be touched, pulled and/or eaten with no realization that something could be dangerous. c). It’s exhausting to run after them and ensure their safety but I still would not change anything…ever.

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