Father’s Day in Truckee

Fathers Day 2009 – Chip’s 2nd father’s day. The morning started just like any other. Breakfast, playing, nap. Routine stuff. I kept asking him what he wanted to do. Chip finally decided that we’d check out Truckee, CA. Neither one of us had ever been, so why not? After the nap, we packed up the little guys, diaper bag, toys, hats, and the wagon. Sounds simple, but trust me it takes probably 30 minutes just to get to the car. So we get going to Truckee about 45 minutes to the West on I-80, towards North Lake Tahoe. The drive was really pretty and the boys looked out the windows and messed with their toys as we drive. It was really nice! Truckee is a cute little place. Very small, sorta granola/hippy. Really laid back people. It’s definitely green up there.

After arriving, we pull out the wagon and ride around, up and down looking at the shops. We can’t really go in with the wagon, but people stop and ask about having triplets and in general are super nice. The boys just looked around, taking it all in. While we were wandering around checking things out, we came across the Truckee recreation center. It just so happens that it had a play area, so we “broke” into the “locked” gate and let the boys loose. They loved it! Ryan was all over the play equipment and we took a bunch of pictures. Ben of course tried to find the nearest way to break out. He’s so silly and curious. Gary checked it out all the way around. We knew it was time to head out when all three of them huddled around the wagon. Bored. Gotta go. So away we went, packed everything up and headed home. The ride was really great until about 2/3 of the way home, right at the edge of Reno. We have Ryan and Ben in the far back seat and Gary sits in the captains chair behind the driver’s seat. Next thing we know, Ryan is throwing up all over himself, his seat and crying. Of course we’re on the freeway so there’s not much that can be done immediately. A couple of excruciating exits later we pull over. It is very consistent that one of the 3 will throw up (most often it’s Gary) and/or be unhappy. So we cleaned Ryan up as best we could in the parking lot of a 7-11. Lucky for us we had a jacket. So we stripped him down, gave him a quick sponge bath with wipes and put him back in the seat. 20 minutes later we were at home and exhausted. Each outing gets a little easier, but it is quite an undertaking for both of us. We know we’ll look back and know that every experience was worthwhile.

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