Little boy update

With Sherri off to Vegas for the deposition in the ongoing custody case, that left Marlas and me to take care of the boys this evening. The boys all loved going outside this afternoon with their grandma, and the weather has been unusually warm to allow that. Gary has become all about books, always pointing to pictures in the books and wanting to know what they are. He recognizes in the books and can point to and say pretty well “ball”, “dog”, and “nana” (banana). Ben is still really into cars and Brie. She was sitting on the floor near them when they had dinner last night, and he looked at her, smiled, and started meowing! Ryan is now the leader in trying to bust out of the family room gate system. He’s getting very strong, and also showing a good interest with books along with anything mechanical, like the jack-in-the-box or the toy we got them where they can roll balls down a set of alternating planks.

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