First Pediatrician Appointment

We had our first appointment for Ben and Ryan today. We saw Dr. Conti, our pediatrician. It was an incredibly long wait…frustrating for us parents. We fed the boys and listened as people ooohhed and ahhed over our “twins”. I felt a little sad that Little Gary wasn’t with us, but soon enough, I am sure!

Ryan now weighs 5 lbs., 4 oz. and is 18 inches long. Ben is 4 lbs., 14 oz. and is 17 3/4 inches long. WOW! Go boys!

After about 45 minutes we were called into a room and waited for another 45 minutes or so. Finally Dr. Conti came in. That’s the hard part. Once we got his attention, it was fantastic. He spent a good amount of time with us and we discussed sleeping, eating and everything else to expect with the little ones. He checked the boys and all is good. W e are trying Conti’s sleep method, which is called EAZ, for Eat (3 oz. during the day, one big feeding of 4 to 6 oz. of formula at midnight), Awake and Sleep, which is Eat food (3 oz. during the day, one big feeding of 4 to 6 oz. of formula at midnight), stay Awake for 30 to 60 minutes after and then let them sleep for 3 hours during the day, but 6 hours at night (from midnight to 6 a.m.). We’ll see if we can achieve 6 hours of sleep within a month or so. That would be great for mommy and daddy, I just hope the boys are ready for it. We talked about my dread with circumcision….I just can’t be there and the Dr. assured me that the boys wouldn’t even cry. We need to get it done within the next 30 days or so. I will wait outside and leave that to the big boy, doctor and the little boys. Conti wants us to switch formula to Enfamil Lipil 20 calorie formula after we finish the high calorie food (current formula is Enfamil Enfacare 22 calorie). The doctor also let us know that our babies should be looked at as “full term” babies now. He wants us to move forward on that path. Dr. Conti also talked to us about how difficult managing triplets will be. Scary. Very scary to me.

Dr. Conti spoke to us about little Gary too and his infection. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Summerlin was in contact with him to let him know what was going on since most of the time one hand can’t help the other between health care workers in the same department at the same facility! Good to know that at least he had pertinent information and could talk with us. He indicated that the infection was very serious but treatable.

The office was really busy, and the staff all wanted to see the twins. Lots of people commented that our babies are “so small”. They are growing so fast, they look big to us, however full term babies look gigantic next to our little guys. We also asked for formula samples and they gave us 2 cases. I was so happy they were willing to oblige us!

We will go back in a month for more immunizations and a check up for all 3. We also need to have little Gary checked out when he comes home, sometime next week.

It was a good experience, I just hope we won’t be leaving a 2:00 p.m. appointment at 4:30 p.m. next time.

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