The first days – Mommy’s perspective

What amazing miracles these little guys are! Each little babe is so different and wonderful. We are at the hospital twice daily for bottle feeds, which is all that can be tolerated by their little bellies. All babies are now back at birth weights. Feeding quantities are being increased at least every other day. All babies are on room air since birth. Our babies are considered “growers and feeders” because they need to grow and learn to tolerate eating, which is learned in the womb at 34 weeks, which is what they are this week if they had not been born. Big sisters Kaitlyn and Gillian have not seen the boys yet because there are very strict rules for visitors that are under 16 in the NICU. We hope that in the next week that they will be able to go visit them.

Here’s mom’s perspective so far….

All the babies: Sleep a lot to grow. Are bundled up like little burritos to keep them from expending their own energy to keep warm. They are now beginning to look at us more and listen to what we say. They are adorable to hold and are still really small. We are so blessed and feel so very grateful for these miracles. Our hearts are full with love for family of 7.

Gary – This little guy sleeps ALL THE TIME! Not much that bothers him. He is quiet and takes it all in. He is really snuggly and loves to be held. Grandma and I both like to call him little G. I really love how tranquil he looks. I also enjoy him the few bits of time we can catch him awake. We’ve decided we’re not sure who he looks like. Maybe the best blend between us. The verdict is still out on that.

Ben – This little guy is our overachiever! Being the smallest has not stopped little Ben from keeping up with eating as much as his brothers. I think Ben looks like a little old man. He’s so skinny and has the tiniest head. I love looking at his little face. Chip says he looks like me. Maybe so. He’s just so little yet, so we’ll see.

Ryan – He’s our little man and can be high maintenance. Ryan doesn’t like to be messed with and will yelp when getting his diaper changed and when the nurses are taking vitals and weighing him. He’s also a champion eater! He has taken to the bottle so well! He’s growing and growing.

Mommy is still very hormonal and emotional! Feeling so blessed and grateful for these little miracles as they slowly grow and learn to eat. We are at the hospital twice a day and this week the girls came back to our house, so it’s been a taste of what is to come with a very busy household. I welcome it, but sometimes it seems overwhelming. How are we going to pull it all together? Can we make it work reasonably? Insecurities creep in and Daddy Chip has been the best support. Listening to my concerns, offering advice. I feel somewhat sleep deprived and know that it won’t change any time soon. Not complaining, but I feel stretched very thin trying to heal, be at the hospital and taking care of the girls. Thank goodness for my parents who are doing all the household chores along with cooking and laundry. They’ve also been taking care of the girls in the evenings, which is good time to spend with grandma and grandpa. Grandma has taught both of the to knit and they are so excited! I can’t even imagine what it would be like doing all of that too and the hospital. Kari is coming in a few days to help us while my parents go to Reno for medical appointments for Gary.

Little Gary is a little ill now, so I have been more stressed. I screamed at nurses and wanted to know what they were doing to him. Chip spoke to the doctor because I was just too upset to do it myself, but I sure took it out on the nurse. The healthcare system is not great and boy it’s been challenging for us. Lots of inconsistency and lack of communication. Different nurses every day. Each one has their own style. Different doctors thrown in the mix too. Very frustrating to say the least. I’ve had enough with all of it and just want to bring the boys home. It no longer bothers me to express my thoughts to the staff.

All if this is so full of joy for us, but also feels like an incredibly big responsibility. I wonder how we can make it work when both of us are back to work full time. With help it will be easier, but when I think about how it can be done, I wonder if I can do it and feel successful at it. I know we’ll find a way to work through it together and soon the boys will be sleeping longer. The days fly by and November is coming when I need to go back to work. The struggle for balance is already weighing heavy on my mind. The next 6 months will be interesting I’m sure.

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