27 and 28 Week Update

We’ve finally reached 28 weeks. It seems like it has taken forever to get here. I have to say that we’re so happy that these babies are healthy and growing, but boy, my body is worn out and I have a very big stomach! Feet hurt, belly hurts, hard to sleep, all that goes with pregnancy….some days are hard, but it’s so worth it. It won’t be long now, and I sincerely hope that we can make it to September 1, which will be 33 weeks. I want them to come out so I can see these boys, but I also want them to stay in and grow as long as possible. The next monitoring is Monday, Aug. 6, so we’ll see what is happening then.

Last night we made our first trip to the hospital – in Summerlin – to be monitored. I felt as though the babies weren’t moving as much as in the past and it alarmed me. Immediately, I was thinking the worst and hoping for the best. Turns out the heartbeats were fine and we monitored for an hour or so and came home. Nothing to worry about thank goodness.

I also took the 3 hour glucose test, which was rough on an empty stomach, but it came back normal,which was very good news. It was also amazingly wonderful to get stuck 4 times considering how much I love needles. It will be so worth it when we can cuddle those baby boys. The glucose test was on 7/26/07.

I have been going weekly for monitoring, which has been very uneventful in terms of contractions. I’ve also finally quit working and went on leave as of Friday, August 3. It’s a little scary, as now I really don’t have much to do with with my mind now. At least with work I had that to keep me occupied, however I am also VERY tired because it’s really tough to sleep at night. So now I’ll have plenty of time to rest.

There’s been a lot going on though. The nursery is all done as far as paint and trim. Now we need to finish decorating. Bunny helped us at Babies R Us pick out a sea theme, which goes very well with the blue/green of the paint. The paint is fantastic! Chip wants more “boy” stuff, but I told him we need to pick a theme. Chip wants some baseballs and stuff. So….the theme may change.

Bunny left on 7//28 and Chip’s other sister Sue came in on 7/31. It’s been nice to see them both! We feel so fortunate to hear from and see so many people. Kristy and Jeff will visit in a couple of weeks, which will be fun and then hopefully mom and dad when babies are born.

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