Week 25 Update

We don’t have a doctor appointment until July 16, so no photos of the boys this time. Chip has been really busy putting together pack ‘n plays and we’ve been washing all the new gifts from the shower. We also received a glider rocker so Chip has that on his agenda to put together this week as well.

I am still working full time at home and sleeping less and less at night. I must say I’m not making life very fun for the rest of the folks in the house. Despite being VERY excited for these babies, my whole body just really hurts, especially the underside of my stomach. Chip gets to enjoy me tossing and turning throughout the night. He always asks what he can do, but there’s not really much. The end result is that I am crabby sometimes and everyone feels it. I just keep apologizing. Both of the girls have stepped up so much and are doing a lot more around the house. Chip is a champ too and does all the running for the girls as well as taking good care of me.

I’m still working, just working exclusively at home. I’m putting my plan for leave together and need to get it to my boss by Friday. It’s hard to leave my little work babies too, but will be one less thing to worry about. I’m torn about how long to work. It keeps my mind busy, which is very good, but it wears me out some days. I’m going to keep going as long as I can, not sure how long that will be.

I’ll post new ultrasound photos as well as new information that we learn at the next appointment.

Chris and Daniel are headed over this weekend to paint the nursery and next week Chip’s sister Bunny is coming out to visit from Florida and help us get ready with more painting and organizing. Our list of items to be done is everything from changing faucets in our upstairs bath to repainting Gillian’s old room which has become out guest/help bedroom. Right now it’s very pink and I hope to tone that down a bit. We’d also like to get the upstairs bathroom painted as well. We’ll need to put another crib together and pick up a third. Still so much to do, not sure how much time we have to do it before these boys show up.

We learned we will be delivering across town in Summerlin and I am trying to get a tour of the NICU, but apparently it’s a popular place. July is already full and August isn’t open yet. I’d like to take a look before there are wires and machines all over the boys (hopefully that won’t be needed) and we are freaking out because we don’t know what anything is.

I’m still at a weight gain of only 20 lbs. but feel huge. I’ll have Chip take some more belly pictures and post those soon. All of us are enjoying the baby kicks all day long too. The babies are more and more active. It’s just amazing that I can feel so much.

We’ll post again soon.

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