Baby Shower

Today was the baby shower than Lin Goldstein threw for us. Lin did an absolutely fantastic job. WOW! It was just wonderful. We had a great time with all the good people we have in our lives. It was so good to see everyone and we are now a little better prepared for the babies. All the gifts were things we really need. Kristy came from Winnemucca Sunday morning and we took video and tried to stream over the internet so mom and dad could watch. That didn’t go so well, but at least we pictures and we are sending out a DVD to Kristy. Kaitlyn and Gillian came over for the shower as well. We had a fantastic afternoon, but boy it wore me out!

Lin brought a chocolate fountain and did tons of hard work! She had some great games that we played after folks left, but Lin just went all out. Chip and Dan brought sandwiches from one of our stores. So much yummy food and good company. We had the following guests: Deann Paulen, Jennie Gauchi, Christopher Brighton, Daniel Wathen, Don Kachline, Hank Hope, Laura Besiada, Lori Buchanen and her friend Stacie, Kristy Newman and Teresa Cortorillo

Kristy being here was such a big help! She took all the pictures and made sure we got video. Chip got a break for a couple of days. Kristy trimmed bushes in the back yard, did dishes, made us breakfast and grilled an awesome tri tip on the grill. It was just too short of a time! Sure wish she could have brought her whole family and stayed longer. She promised she would come back in January. Can’t wait!

I will post photos on the photo page.

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