New Year, new(er) me, new perspective

About 3 weeks into December I signed up with a trainer at Redhawk. Diana IS AMAZING and I feel so lucky that she is working with me.  She is gentle, kind, positive, real and tough all at the same time. My workouts with her have been awesome, even though sometimes I feel like I’m going to die. I also added cardio a day or two a week up until the holidays. Harder with the kiddos home for 3 weeks…truly tested my sanity! They are back in school and I’m back at it.

I’ll be the first to say that I haven’t given up all that I should, so weight loss is slow. Regardless, exercise has preserved my sanity and emotional state of mind. The first couple workouts and sometimes now, I don’t even want to look in that gym mirror. It’s hard to look at the last year or so of not doing much of anything near exercise. Banged up on the ego and it felt really bad. But, I’ve got great support from Chip and others around me. Even though Diana stretches me hard, she is so encouraging. 2x per week focused workouts with her are time well spent. It holds me accountable.

Today I tried Diana’s TRX group class. I met a lady named Joyce at the gym yesterday and she encouraged me to go and said she’d be there.  Both Diana and Joyce were so encouraging during the class. Worked my butt off, but it was fun. Yes, you read that right.  FUN. Maybe it’s age or something, but I’m finding I’m more open. More open to asking for help, trying new things.  Something else that came from being open…my dear friend Kenna invited me to run with her at the track the other weekend and I did it! This girl feels super awkward trying to run, but she helped me through trying to breathe and take it as fast as I could take it. Kenna you rock and I thank you.

I feel like I finally am practicing some self-care. Life is super busy with job, home, family, trying to cultivate a business and having a day job. This week has been particularly good because we have family help from someone we are so happy is back in our lives. She’s been so kind to come in and do whatever needs to be done. Having her is another bit of self-care for me, as I simply cannot do it all. Also this week, I have taken my “lunch” hour to focus on me. Cardio Monday, Chiropractor on Tuesday, Massage on Wednesday, TRX today and a workout tomorrow.  I feel rushed trying to fit it all in, but it feels good.  

Redhawk has a good bit of classes if anyone wants to check them out.  Non-members can drop in for a small fee.

I feel like in general, the universe is speaking to me and it’s a very strange feeling because I don’t truly know what the message is.  Well, I sorta do, but not really.  Nice and vague, right?

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