Boys 18 mos. checkup – well really 21 months

Had a doctors appointment on June 10. What a calamity that was! Chip went for the first time. We had a brutal “practice run” the week prior because I, with my full mind, thought our appointment was the week before. So the week before we got up, got the boys going and then what do you know? I thought the doctors office was so easy to find that I didn’t bother with a map or a phone number or anything. Mostly because both Chip and I were so trying to get out the door and not be late (yeah, right). So we drove in the correct neighborhood, but I could not remember which building it was. On top of road construction it was amazingly interesting (not in a good way) to try and figure out where we needed to go. The even bigger discovery was that neither one of us had our cell phones. How crazy and irresponsible is that??? Chip was so wonderful, not once did he criticize and he had SO many opportunities. Once we arrived at the office, very disheaveled I might add, the nice woman said they couldn’t see us. Oh my god! I understood, but also wanted to ask her if she had any idea what it took for us to get out of the house? So not her problem.

We finally “rearrived” on the appropriate day, did not get lost and was on time. We saw this crazy nurse who was quite possibly the loudest person I had ever met. After the lecture about shoes, what should be in our car for emergencies and lastly an entire dissertation about her experiences raising children that included the hardships of raising children after having knee surgery. Chip and I just kept looking at each other. Meanwhile the little guys are stripped to the diaper and all over the dirty floor (yuck!) and trying to manage a pedialyte pop, which was a first for them. Didn’t take long for restlessness to set in and pretty soon as nurse know-it-all who means well boys were starting to get cranky. Finally Dr. Tammy Roessler came in. Chip an I felt saved. She’s so great.

One of the things I really like about her is that she’s really realistic about caring for kids. She understands what we’re dealing with. However, she broke it to us that we really need to take them off of the bottle before they’re 2 years old. OMG! I can’t imagine what that will be like.

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