Category: Home

Holidays 2017 – Reflections

The holidays seem to get totally away from us after the big day. Exhaustion more than anything.  I had days off, but it just didn’t seem like enough.  So, for the first time, we put our tree up early and took it down late.  Big Bertha, who followed Big Jim from last year, was REALLY crispy.  The tree had stopped sucking up water and was just not good.  I did everything to help it, like spray it daily with water just to keep us safe.  Honestly, it was way too long…not to mention I was trying to fathom just how fun it would be to clean up the bajillion pine needles that would be everywhere when we took it out of here.  Well, my worst fears came true.  Not only was that tree heavy, it left needles everywhere.  I mean everywhere.  It took like an hour, probably more, to get those pine needles up.  Dear God Almighty, do not let your tree stay around if it dries out.  Just.don’!  I wish I would have gotten photos, but I didn’t.  Shame, because it was an ordeal.  On top of that, due to the tree not taking water, there was about a gallon of water that then promptly went into the carpet and pad.  Now, mind you, our carpet is SO old that there’s only a thin, if any, a layer of the pad on top of horrifying carpet that is also…wait for it…beige.  Yeah.

As I clean all of this mess up, trying to remind myself that I always want a fresh, live tree.  I don’t have regrets, other than it quit sucking up water.  The tree rocked.  Rivaled Big Jim from the year before and was purchased from the same place.

The holiday clean up is always hard for me.  I am an emotional creature by nature.  Big changes seem to move me.  Whether it’s emotional or just the change itself.  Putting away all of those ornaments and going through Christmas cards is hard for me.  Time passes so quickly.  I desperately want to hold on.  I can’t, but I want to.  The other day I was sharing this with a sister from another mister that this year is the first year that there wasn’t the Santa magic that we’ve had.  We’ve had the luxury of the delight for…oh my goodness…probably a span of 15 years. Gillian and Kaitlyn were 8 and 11 when the boyos were born. And then we had Carter, sweet Carter who has given us more kiddo time.  We’ve seen so many years of the magic.  So many years of last-minute wrapping, filling of stockings and Sherri getting super stressed trying to do all of it that I WANT to have happen.  It’s more than most people get and I’m so grateful.

 As I put all of the ornaments, villages, and decorations away, it hurts a little.  It hurts because time passes too quickly.  They get older quicker than we ever imagine.  The crude but meaningful ornaments become so precious as the years pass.  I love them all.  They are cherished heirlooms in my mind.  This year I finally let go of the Cars stockings.  Someone else can enjoy them.

As we think about a move, it is a bit sadder.  So many Christmases here.  So many with the joy and wonder.  So many with loved ones from near and far.  A new chapter is calling…I can feel it. This next one will be interesting as these boys to into tween/teenhood and we move to the next phase of our life.

15 Years and Counting

Today was the day that Chip and I celebrated 15 years ago that we had initial contact.  I say this because it would be at least a week or two later that we would even be able to have a date.

I had put a profile up on Yahoo personals because I really didn’t know what else to do.  I had these two little girls and a full time job.  I had no interest in finding someone in a club, nor was there anyone at work that really struck me.  There was also no goodness to come in dating someone from work.  My goal was to meet someone and see what happens.  There is so much craziness in Vegas that you don’t just go hang out at a bar and see if you meet someone.

I had dated a really nice guy from Michigan for a few months that I met at Yahoo.  He was a sports loving writer.  We had a good time and enjoyed each other’s company, but I think we both knew it was nothing long term.  He never met the girls and that didn’t seem uncomfortable to either of us.  B moved back to Michigan and although sad, I tried to move forward.  Forward to have someone in my life to share it with.  Then along came a message that would change the game.

Chip may not want me to share, but this was his first message to me:

Mon Oct 16 2000  03:34
Hi slpfrihse,

Yes, I think I am up for the challenge. Your ad made me chuckle. 🙂 Anyway, I think you described me to a T.

Let me give you the straight stats first: I am 28, 6’1″ tall, 195 pounds, brown hair, a full-time professional, graduate school education, homeowner.

And a little more:
I like to stay in shape, and work out regularly (usually 3 or 4 times per week). I’m not a he-man, muscle man, gym rat, or anything though… I am an avid hiker, going to the usual places around here: Mt Charleston, Red Rock, the Wetlands Park, etc. I also like to play tennis and racquetball, although I haven’t had a chance to play since moving to the area in January. I love cycling too – used to ride quite a bit in Oregon, but haven’t had the right company here yet to make it worthwhile here.

I love going out to restaurants, the movies, and taking weekend trips to scenic places. I don’t smoke, don’t gamble, don’t do drugs, don’t chew, and drink only occaisionally, always limited to a microbrew or two at a time. I also like to spend quality time at home
cuddling in front of a fire, talking, watching DVDs & making popcorn – being romantic in general 😉 I’ve been known to bring flowers often, and I’m just hoping to find a woman who’s going to appreciate the little touches of romance like that! 🙂

So heck yeah, I can love and cut loose and show my romantic and sensitive side. Now I’m just hoping I can find a woman who can appreciate it! Is that you? It sounds like it might be… 🙂

I’m a good conversationalist and I’m told I have a good sense of humor – I like to laugh and smile. I’m often complimented by women on my smile – I’m hoping that’s a good thing! 😉 I’m not much into dancing, but maybe that’s because I haven’t met the right woman yet
to make dancing fun.

I am a cat person – I have two cats that I spoil rotten, but they are very playful and great fun, not loaf around the house fat cats…

I listen to all kinds of music, although I don’t care for rap very much. I’m not a couch potato – I hardly watch TV at all, unless it’s to watch a movie. I do follow football and hockey, but I don’t let it dominate my weekends like some guys might, so don’t worry about that… And I don’t mind treking around the mall – it’s actually pretty fun if the company is right!

I guess to sum it all up, I am a good, honest, open, intelligent, professional, romantic, fun-to-be-with man that wants to share his life, feelings, and love with a similar woman. I am looking for a partner, the other half as you put it, and I am tired of immature, phoney, plastic women that lie and cheat in a relationship. I hope you decide to write back to me – it sounds like we’re looking for similar things and have a lot in common!’

And from there it went.  Yesterday I posted the following on FB.

It was 15 years ago today that yahoo personals brought me a reply to my posting that would change my life forever. Back in the day when it was free to list, this broken and a little bit bitter single mother received a message in my inbox from a gentle man who had as many convictions as I did. Whether it was sports, having a good time, music, passion or nerdiness. There was something about that message that took me in. I was scared to say I had kiddos, but did it anyway. He had hesitation but did it anyway. It would be almost 2 weeks until we would meet in person, but dayam we had amazing email and phone call marathons. By the time we met he knew I didn’t need a baby OR a sugar daddy. The attached song was an anthem of sorts for us because we were (are) both nerdy and met on the “internets”. I love this man more than I ever thought I could. We’ve done more together than I ever fathomed I would do alone, let alone with the person who is my soulmate. Neither of us are without flaws. I have bigger thighs than ever and have not even 1 college degree to his multiple, but he loves me crazy amounts anyway. We are us. We are meant to be.

A taste of the good, great, bad and ugly…
– were recovering from a shitty thing called divorce
– great travel to places East and West we never thought we’d see
– bought homes
– had foreclosures
– bought a business
– had failed businesses
– made it through infertility
– are raising multiples
– lost loved ones
– have seen blessings be born
– shared live music that we love
– have seen our gardens grow
– been unemployed

I could list so much more…I am blessed beyond belief. No matter what. My heart is full. Even on a hard day I’m grateful to the universe for bringing me my Chip. A Maryland boy for this Alaska girl. A beautiful heart that I get to be next to for the rest of this life. I love you dear…with all that I am. Cheers to many, many more.

This is how I really feel.  I am beyond lucky.  There is nothing that I’ve held back from this man.  Good, bad and ugly.  Sometimes it has been ugly because I don’t have the most impressive track record.  I have an interesting family life with my extended family.  I have weird baggage.  I married someone I should not have simply because I was pregnant the first time around.  Not a good decision on my part.

The above description was the man I met for sure.  Some days I feel life I’ve drug him down  and not let him live his potential.  Other times it is justified by this everyday life we have with lots of kiddos.  Who knows.  Regardless, I’m a lucky woman to have him.  We’ve endured a ton and I’m ready for the next 15 years and more.  Absolutely.  Without question.


Getting our vaca on, part 1

So here we are…a long time later.  It’s been awhile since I’ve posted for sure.  I’m still juggling along.  Doing so many things.  Work, home, school, boys.  Daily stuff.  I guess what that really means is that I haven’t been a very good Queen of the Juggle! Finally, we are going on VACATION!  Yay! After almost a year under our belt with the Jazz trailer, we figure we’ve got this stuff figured out.  We thought we’d go see my sister in Central WA, friends in Eastern WA, and then back down to home.  A long, long way on roads that we’ve never driven on before.   The day before we were going to leave, Chip has an epiphany and looks at the numbers and says “hey, it’s gonna cost a lot for gas and how often do we want to hitch and unhitch”?  I though “um, we just do”?  Well, yeah, no. Then Chip brought up a fabulous idea of staying at tent camp locations and really roughing it.  Because he has great ideas and yep, I’ve tent camped before, I totally bought in.  Well, I didn’t really remember how easy my parents made it for me and how they made it look super easy.

Well, yeah, no.  Not when you have 5 kids with you and a husband that has never done it.  Not that I’m an expert, but having been the only one with camping experience, it was a little bit crazy to take on this idea. Gillian and I had camped when she was much younger as a brownie/girl scout.  Somehow she didn’t remember much, which I thought was odd, because we had a really fun time. Well, we are preparing for our summer vaca, day one.  As usual, the day job takes a lot out of me.  Hubs for sure. He was crazy nuts about getting ready.

He’s so awesome, loaded up all of everything that we needed.  Loaded it all into our minivan.  Man, that had to be quite the job!  Especially since this change of plan was sudden.  Thinking we are taking the trailer our big truckand the Jazz trailer were already out at my mom’s in Winnemucca.  That meant that we had to take all of the gear and 7 of us in our minivan.  Whoa!  That was an incredible juggle in itself.  My husband, the best in the world, did all of the packing, toting and loading.


Then he began to prodding me… I was juggling as much as I could the day we left.  My plan was to leave early, but that wasn’t to be.  Since work is crazy to the last minute and has been for quite some time, which is beyond brutal for me.  Juggling vacation prep and planning along with a full time job is ROUGH!  Especially when you’re dealing with unhappy customers, who, I guess, don’t think you have feelings or that you are a human being just like they are.  Since we have one person out on maternity leave, one leaving, an open position and me going on vacation, my team is stretched pretty thin.  It’s really hard to look forward to vacation when the stress is so high and I know it is going to be a) ugly for those that are backing me up and b) ugly for me when I get back.  Just thinking about it causes me angst and stress.  Which is another reason I desperately need this vacation.  I need distraction.  My world of juggling is in a bad, bad, place.  10 hour days for months on end are not healthy. Chip finally forced me out of my chair and clutches of the work laptop to head out Winnemucca way.  We arrived about 3 hours later than planned and then of course I had to do some more work.  I managed to do some and then just finally quit.

We slept in the trailer and as I fell asleep I wondered if this tent camp, house surf vaca would work.  We will see!  Well, if nothing else it would be an adventure!


Cabbage Rolls

Cabbage Rolls:

Recipe for Cabbage Rolls…very different but oh my gosh yummy if you like all of the ingredients. You need to like sauerkraut to truly enjoy this version.   Thank you Randy and Sue for the amazing recipe.

1 lb. or so. Give or take of ground beef.
1 to 2 cups cooked rice
Various seasonings and additions as you like.
1 head of cabbage or so.
3 cloves of garlic, sliced/diced
1/2 medium onion.
2 cups of fresh spinach
1 bottle/package of sauerkraut

While cooking beef, boil water to par boil the cabbage. Brown ground beef with garlic and onion added. I added lots of seasonings like tarragon, Mrs. Dash, season salt, lemon pepper and anything else you like. Season very well, almost to the point of over seasoning. Add cooked rice. I added spinach to the cooking process of the beef. I had a bunch of spinach so I threw it in.

Once par boiled cabbage is done, make rolls with meat mixture into the leaves. Spray a 13X9 cake pan with non stick spray. Spread a portion of the sauerkrat, covering in the bottom, but reserving the remainder and the juice of the sauerkraut. Place the rolls on top of the cabbage. Put as many rolls as you can in the pan. Once full, put the remainder of the sauerkraut and the juice over the top. Bake (covered with foil) at 375 for about 1 hour. Enjoy! I did mine as a casserole, layered like lasagne, because I had leftover sliced cabbage. Either way it was AMAZING!

Happy Holidays 2011

Welcome to a glimpse into the last year at the McVeys.  This year our letter is still Happy Holidays but more on the end of Happy New Year since I’m finally finishing it on 12/31/11.  Of course long winded like Sherri tends to be.  Time flew and while we’re getting our cards out, it’s certainly later than planned.  Par for the course the year has been a busy one. There was a ton of stuff that we experienced in 2011.  Reflecting on that, the things that come to mind are all of the new experiences that the kids had.  Sweet things that lit them up with wonder.  It makes us smile to know that we have and continue to make the effort to give them these experiences. We thought we’d share a few and hopefully they’ll bring a smile for you too.

The boys met Santa for the first time, roasted marshmallows, cut with scissors, had haircuts in at a “haircut store”, made a birthday cake, painted pottery, acquired a first Nerf gun, took a first RV trip, went to Grandma’s twice in the same year, had frozen yogurt and chose their own toppings at “the yogurt store”, saw a parade on the 4th of July, Carter learned to walk and talk, experienced their first pig roast, visited a fire station, ate in a sit down restaurant, got a new, real swing set, picked corn, rode a mechanical bull and petted the animals at the pumpkin patch, visited Apple Hill, ate a caramel apple, discovered Angry Birds (they are still obsessed) and Zombies, became iPod Touch experts, decided “Despicable Me” is their favorite movie, visited the Discovery Children’s Museum, fired their first firearm, had an Advent calendar, hot chocolate in Christmas mugs, drank a Root Beer float and finally… moved to “big boy bunk beds”.

A huge part of creating these experiences were all of the people that visited and help us.  Our Florida family helped us get the year rolling ringing in the New Year with us.  It was great having them here to kick it off.  Right away in January Chip and I both had to travel for work.  For the first time ever it was at the same time.  Sherri’s mom came and helped for the week which was great!  Colvins jumped in from there and took on the kidlets for a couple of weeks in January as well.  Fast forward to May.  We headed to Winnemucca in the Colvin RV to see family.  Sherri’s grandparents made the trip from Montana.  The weather wasn’t awesome but it was good to see them.  The months just seemed to fly by.  Before we knew it we were in the middle of summer.  Kaitlyn and Gillian were with us for five weeks which is always really fun.  One of the highlights was Kaitlyn getting her driver’s permit.  It’s hard to fathom that she’s 16 now!  Chip and Sherri celebrated anniversary #8 in Tahoe.  Our first overnight for just the two of us in 3 yrs.  As a treat to ourselves we took a sunset yacht cruise.  It was fantastic!  We also took the Colvin RV out again to Fernley, a very small town about 30 minutes outside of Reno.  After an overnight at the RV park we headed downtown to take in the 4th of July parade.  The kids were troopers considering there was no shade and 90 degrees outside. Again fast forward and September and October were upon us.  Sherri’s friend Bonnie visited Reno for the first time since we moved which was awesome.  Gary, Ben and Ryan turned 4 in Septmeber as well.  We celebrated in style with the Girls and then after.  It’s hard to believe it’s been 4 years.  As well, Fred, Celia and ‘Nina (Colvin) arrived back in Nevada just in time for fall. We packed everyone up and went to Apple Hill.  We had been hearing about it since our move to Reno in 2008 and finally thought it was do-able and would be blast for the kids.  We visited several places up there and had a ball trying cider, some local wine and beer, toured a few of the orchards as well as buying apples, pears, caramel apples and pies.  It was a fabulous trip but requires more than 1 day.  If you have a chance to visit you should!

Halloween was so fun too! Sherri made the boys costumes this year.  It was purely due to the budget and what costumes cost.  She had creative input from her mom, Celia and ‘Nina.  In Nov. Colvins left us and headed to exotic places so we packed up and headed to Winnemucca for Thanksgiving.  All of us had a good time, especially the boys sleeping all four of them on the air mattress watching

Winnemucca with Sherri’s family.  Grandma and John bought the 3 boys and Gillian a .22 rifle. Both of us were almost mortified that at 4 they would be handling a gun.  Each boy and Gillian went, individually, with John and Chip and shot the guns.  More training is required.  We’ll be working on that.

Christmas crept up on us far more quickly than we thought.  We did a lot last minute but managed to get the most beautiful tree we’ve ever had.  Fred and Celia joined us for the holidays as well.  Per the tradition, Celia baked up a ton of treats and cookies.  All the kids jumped in to decorate and taste test all of the delightful yummies.  Kaitlyn and Gillian went back to Las Vegas on Christmas Eve so we celebrated a little early with them.  Everyone enjoyed the gifts.  Christmas morning was a blast in the McVey house.  The boys came down the stairs and were full of excitement, wonder and surprise.  Santa was kind enough to leave new bunk beds made for three.  Very cool.  Fred and Chip spent almost a whole day putting them together.  Now it’s just the nightly battle of who gets to sleep on top.  We don’t have a system yet.

On to the kid updates…Kaitlyn and Gillian still primarily reside in Vegas so that continues to be a challenge for all of us in Reno.  Kaitlyn is doing well in school and is a sophomore this year.  She’s into softball and really involved in church.  Her dad just bought her a car so she’s very excited about that.  Gillian is in middle school and plays the Viola in orchestra.  Gilli is one of the few 6th graders in the advanced orchestra.  She just had her winter concert and I was lucky enough to be in Vegas and could attend.  Those are the moments that are bittersweet.  Glad I could attend but sad that it has to be in Vegas and not Reno.  Every time the big sisters come for a visit the boys are so excited.  They’re also sad when they leave.  Not easy.

Gary, Ben and Ryan are just crazy growing!  They take everything in, want to touch it all and often ask why, what and how come about anything and everything.  TV is big them too.  These days it’s all about Super Why on PBS along with Calliou and Wubzy.  At least there’s variety.  They are so good with technology too.  It’s all about Angry Birds and Zombies.  We put both games on our old laptops as well.  It didn’t take long from a touch screen to maneuvering a mouse and keyboard.  It’s hard to believe that in less than a year they will go to kindergarten.  Over this last year as their personalities are becoming more and more evident.  All three are total extroverts.  Gary is as stubborn as they come.  The red hair fits!  He is the one who always asks why.  More often than not they are great questions.  Ben is still the quieter boy but is smart and funny.  Just recently we learned that he needs glasses.   He looks so cute but best of all we’ve improved his 20/200 vision in one eye.  We felt like bad parents!  I’m sure everything is much clearer for him.   Ryan is our keeper of the rules Chip says he inherited Sherri’s type A.  He gets so excited when he talks that he almost can’t get the sentence out.  It’s so funny.  Ryan is the most sensitive and a little sneaky.  He’s very close with Carter bug.  They are special buddies.

Pulling up the rear is little Carter Bug.  Never has it been more evident that he has left being a baby in the dust and wants to be 4 years old like his big brothers.  At 18 months he’s talking away and on the run to keep up with Gary, Ben and Ryan.  He has the sweetest little laugh.  He’s definitely a ray of sunshine as we hear him giggle and discover how to talk.  He tries to say everything.  I especially like his “peas” when he says please.  His favorite thing lately is Calliou and cars.  We’re a little sad that the baby has moved on to toddler/preschooler.  Carter is also big on books.  He often demands that whoever is around read to him.  It’s a great start!  Between 12 and 18 months it’s almost as if he has awakened.  In the last couple of weeks he’s figured out how to put too words together.  Now when he gets up in the morning he says “Hi Daddy”!  He’s curious and an independent soul.   Last week he had his 18 mos. checkup and he’s officially the size of a two year old!

That’s about it for 2011.  Overall pretty stressful but when we step back it’s OK.  We’re grateful that we have a happy, healthy family and wish the same for our friends and family.  We’re excited to welcome 2012, optimistic for continued good health and prosperity.  Be sure to keep in touch either via email at or .  We also have new cell numbers which are:  Sherri:  775-737-3032 and Chip:  775-772-3024.  Of course those of you that are Facebook friends with either of us know that we will continue to post pics and updates often.  Until next year, all the best to you and yours.  Take care and be well.