Category: Mom

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!


Happy Mother’s day to all of those I love…I have a lot to say.
This is a long one…about Mother’s day. My thoughts are deep and emotional.
My mom started her mom journey at barely 16 years old. She turned 16 in January and I was born in March. I cannot imagine. I can’t. But she persevered. She did. Two more girls followed. By 21 she had three.

The following is entirely my perspective and no one else’s…
How do you raise children when you are almost a child yourself? How does that work? Somehow it did. Somehow someone walks into your life and accepts you…kiddos and all. And then they did. They make a house, a home a family…as dysfunctional as it may have been. And it was. Dysfunctional. BUT, along each line there was a little something that made it good. Collectively good when individually it was rough.

As I grew through the years it was not easy. There were fights, friends and foes along the way. One thing that was consistent was a family element. I’m not sure that would have been there had the circumstances been different. I often say that if Gary wasn’t in my life I would never be what I am. That much I know is true, but it wasn’t without my mother and her family either. They were all fierce about valuing family.

I have seen quite a bit from my parents. A huge desire to have control of their own destiny. Buying, selling and always working privately. Living simply. Making life the way that they wanted it. I hated it. I really did. I could never be a cool kid. I was just so stuck with the stigma that was me. Poor. Inept. Chubby. Couldn’t quite ever fit in. My heart was in the right place but I wanted to just be normal. That I know now. When you’re 13 it doesn’t matter. As much as I had wished it had.
As time has moved forward and I’ve made it through a bad marriage and had 2 beautiful girls. Those girls are crazy amazin’. In that time my dad has passed and I look at my ex and wonder how he deals with what he does. That’s his problem. My dad’s haunting recommendations are still there. I wish I had heeded them, but I didn’t.
Beyond that I see my mom working and doing everything by herself now. Not easy and I don’t recommend that either. She hasn’t had a choice. Despite that she presses on. Some bad decisions and some not. I cannot imagine. I can’t.

She works hard…really hard. Makes it work even when it seems that it won’t. That woman never gives up. I’ve learned that from her. It’s some serious shit to see her fight it all. I’m amazed. I have my fight and compassion because of that.

Speaking of compassion, I’ve never seen such compassion as my mom has for the people she serves every day. The way she stood up and served my dad when he was sick. The way she is a force for those she takes care of now. I was busy growing triplets so I didn’t get to see it but I’ve felt it 100 times over. My mom is tough. She’s hard and she’s soft. She’s giving and also takes when she needs. She cries when she needs and still drops fbombs like a boss.

I honestly think that many don’t “get” my mom. They don’t. I’m not going to try to explain it because she is who she is. It’s not up to me to define it. What I will say is that she seems softer than I can ever recall. She has more compassion and helpyouedness than I’ve ever seen. She helps people have dignity every day as they live out their later days of life. She says how she never wants those she loves to have to experience relying on others. Brings me to tears.

It also makes me so happy to share with my mom when I create stuff in the kitchen that she has taught me to do. I feel so lucky to be able to do that. I know some that read this don’t have their moms to call on the phone or write a FB message to. If you don’t I hope that you’ll take a moment and smile as you think about your mom today.
So this Mother’s day I encourage all to take a little look back. Take a look at your mom…flaws and all. Notice the feelings she has or had for you. See what, from her, has become you. My love to all the mamas out there.

More sickness…OMG! Ryan colors for the first time and Sherri gets to see the RTO at Montreaux

Wow, what a week! We just tackled the Swine Flu less than a month ago. Then here we go again. Ben first…puking and all the rest of it. Both ends. Poor kid! Lots of vomit in bed. Then Gary, then Kaitlyn. I’ve done more laundry of pukey sheets than I can count. The carpets in the boys room are looking pretty nasty. Nights are worse than the days, although Ben was really not having a good couple of days. Poor kid. He just was so puny. Grandma really loved on him a lot.

It has been a tough week for all of us. Family friend passed, more attorney stuff for both mom and Chip and I, financial worries…all of it. A lot of pressure. All of that along with another flu bug really pushed all of us to the limit.

Luckily Gary was the last one to vomit last night in bed, Kaitlyn is on the upswing and so is Ben and Ryan. Chip had a small bout and fortunately for me I didn’t get it (knock on wood) and neither did Gillian.

The bright spot of the week was that we sat Ryan down yesterday the table and he colored with crayons! We’ll save the first drawing and probably even scan it. These precious moments do take the edge off of the trying times. Chip got it on video and I took pictures (see attached).

The other bright spot was that I had the opportunity to attend the Legends Reno-Tahoe Open golf tourney at Montreaux. What a beautiful place with very large homes. I was invited by Bevin from RSCVA. Michelle Engleman from the Grand Sierra and I were her guests. We were invited to hang out in the Lakeridge Golf Course hospitality suite. It was a fabulous afternoon that began with a tour of Michelle’s new house in University ridge. It’s a beautiful one story home. I also met her husband Aaron. Great people. So we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon, having great wine and complimentary food all afternoon. Little did I know that mom and Chip were at home struggling with Ben and the other crappy stuff that came up this week. When I woke up on Friday and talked to mom and Chip I felt pretty guilty that I had a fun, carefree afternoon with friends. That didn’t last long when Kaitlyn began feeling the bug and Gary and Ryan followed right after. By 7p on Friday I was exhausted and frustrated and drowning in sheets and blankets full of vomit. By 4 a.m. I was on the phone with the nurse line making sure I didn’t need to do anything else for Kaitlyn who was really hit hard by it. It’s just the way the cookie crumbles I guess. Saturday was a little better, still lots of sick monkey laundry. I was happy to just take a shower and do a little running around.

Today is far better, just reflective on the state of life right now. It’s a bit rough and changes are in order for me and how I handle daily life. I’m grateful that the kids are on the upswing and thank goodness we have each other. It causes me pain to know the girls will only be here until Aug. 19 – 10 more days and we’ve had 10 days of sickness.