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Carter 7 weeks old

Smiles between 6 and 7 weeks.  It’s SO cute.

Silver Legacy event at Squaw…7/14

Back to work for the first full week 7/19 

Girls stay overnight at Audrey’s. 7/23.  They have a blast and Audrey says it’s nice too.  That’s awesome…

7/23 – Still trying to get in touch with child support office.  Get letter from CS regarding IRS and garnishing my wages, IRS taking refunds and reporting to the credit bureaus.  Can’t get in touch with case worker.  John sends emails with “recommendations” and is TOTALLY wrong.

7/23 – First trip to Pump It Up.  Gary loves it.  Ryan is good until he gets run over and Ben is just plain scared.  Good time for everyone but exhausting.  Then we go to Del Taco and we are quite the spectacle.  Lots of people look and a few comment.  It’s funny and stressful at the same time.

Kari comes to visit 7/25.  Boys play with Play-Doh for the first time.  Family first…car wash out front. 

Girls are here for the summer!

Wooohooo!  Finally!  Summer has come and the girls are here for 5 weeks.  Of course it isn’t without it’s own drama, but it’s so good to see them!  They both wanted to meet their new brother.  Holy crap, I can’t believe Carter is 5 weeks old and they are just meeting him.  Thank you Rat.  Anyway, they were enamored with him.  He sorta smiled back at them too.  A gassy smile if nothing else.  It’s all good.

The rat strikes again…and again…and again.

Letters from child support office.  Wage garnishment happens.  Over $600 per paycheck.  No one can agree on the arrears amount.

Another jackass email from the rat.  Rat sends spreadsheet of owed amount.  It’s of course WRONG. 

Get a letter from child support office that they will report that I owe 10K to the credit reporting agencies.  Another letter arrives from the same office indicating that since I owe $9000.00 plus they will be taking any tax refund.  I figure I owe $3000.00 or less.  The caseworker says I owe about $6000.  Now…that said, who the hell at their office can agree on the amount.  Rat won’t agree to the amount because he’s a control freak.

Gary’s ER Experience – 6/23/10

Renown Children’s Hospital.

One of our triplets, Gary started the day with swollen “boy parts” with redness. We thought was diaper rash. So we treated that. He cried every time he peed through the day. So I thought is was worth calling his pediatrician and she instructed us to go right to the ER in case it was a hernia.

The brothers freaked out when we left with just Gary. They’ve never really been apart. Brandi said they cried for about 20 minutes and didn’t want to do anything without Gare Bear.

So off we went to Renown Childrens ER. It was nice because it has its own waiting area and is designed for kids. The main ER seemed to be crowded with pretty colorful looking people. It was also great that we didn’t have to wait with the full room of ER folks since the Children’s ER is pretty separated from the main ER.

Gary thought the hospital was neat and took the nurses hand right away. His nurse was Jana. At almost 3 he only weighs 30lbs. We were surprised by that. He was curious as to what everything was. He was VERY unhappy that anyone was messing with him. He cried. I felt terrible that I couldn’t make it better.

Doctor Laine came in and was a little…no a lot…scary looking. Of course Gary wasn’t happy that he was being messed with again. The doctor was more accommodating than the nurse, but the nurse had a nicer personality. The doctor wasn’t mean or anything, but just a little odd. Anyway, it turned out that there was no hernia and at the worst he has a yeast infection. Thank goodness! We’re happy to waste trip to learn that it’s just a yeasty rash. So after a prescription for some cream, off we went home. When we arrived back at home, we heard from Brandi that the boys were pretty distraught to be separated from their brother.  Gary thought was really neat.  He had no shyness at the hospital.  He showed his brothers his “bracelet”.  Apparently Ryan and Ben cried for 20 minutes after we left.  They also didn’t want to do anything until Gary came home.  It was very sweet but way too much for the other 2 boys to handle.  The triplets have never really been separated.  I’m always amazed at what I learn from them about each of the boys.  It’s really amazing…in a very good way. 

First 2 weeks with Carter…coming home, depression and lots of new adjustments

We pretty much did all that we needed to do at the hospital. Our nurse and her student again were fabulous! Letty the CNA was also great. They sent us home with a good supply of formula and a package of diapers. That was really helpful since Carter was 4 days early and I hadn’t gotten far enough to buy formula. We received some diapers from the baby shower, so that is really nice to have on hand.

After we arrived at home, the boys were really intrigued by their new brother. They really couldn’t put together the “baby in the belly” was now “baby in the boppie”.

Mom was here and since Carter was born on a Thursday she stayed through the weekend.  It was good to have her here.  When she left my emotions were very open and high.  It was hard because it is just as difficult for Chip as for me.  We had some words last night that didn’t help the situation.  I need him to be my rock.  He is my rock but I was needing it at that moment.  

The first days for me have been quite overwhelming. I felt postpartum depression set in almost immediately.  I have been just uncontrollably sad/emotional.  There has been depression in my life for many years that I have proactively treated with therapy and medications.  It has been the best thing for me and for those I care about.  Anyway, I just felt like maybe I couldn’t do it.  Could not handle 4 kids under the age of 3 very well and then how could be of quality and truly present to the girls when they get here.  Especially since the little boys are hitting the ego based terrible twos.  I’m sure it could be worse, but multiply by 3 and wow.  Makes me doubt myself. ALOT!

Brandi also is here which is fantastic!  We need her so much.  Hopefully she stays happy.  There are so many times that I wish we could pay her more.  She’s a fabulous nanny to our family.  I’m grateful every day that we have her.  I know I couldn’t have made it through these first weeks very well without her.

I saw my primary care doc recently about the depression and not sleeping too.  We evaluated the meds and she notice maybe my thyroid was low.  She tweaked the depression meds and the thyroid.  I was weepy and crying through the whole appointment.  It’s frustrating to not be able to control the emotional stuff.  The impact on me and my ability to be the best I can for my family is crushing sometimes.

I know it will get better, but man, it’s a little rough right now.  Add in the house limbo we’re in with the Las Vegas homes and the child support situation…arrgghhh.  I don’t know how much I can take and actually deal with.

These first few weeks with Carter have been great.  He’s mellow when the little guys are screaming.  He sleeps a lot and gets up about every 3 hours.  He’s got a tiny little cry.  It’s very sweet and makes my heart melt.  It isn’t easy to be up every 3 hours and function.  It’s all very worth it.  That I know for sure.  The boys have been a little out of sorts.  We’re seeing more tantrums, but I’m not sure if that’s just because they are 2 or adjusting to a new family member or both.

One thing is for sure…it’s an adventure.

The hits just keep on comin’…and not in a good way

Ah the joys of having a new baby, crazy emotions and lots of things going on.  Life is complicated right now.  Throw in very little sleep and well it’s sort of a mess.

While I’m on maternity leave it has also been an opportunity to begin to clean up our house and our messes.  The other “must be dealt with” messes are 3 houses that we can’t sell and with the child support issues we will no longer be able to pay the mortgages unless we do something drastic.  Chip and I have decided the drastic and least damaging would be to do a short sale.  The complicated piece is that although we’re losing a significant amount of money, 2 of the 3 properties are rented.  What to do about those families?  Where is the line?
 Primarily all of the disaster is due to the court issues we’ve had.  There are other factors like getting a bill for $300.00 from our landscaper at one of the houses that we are being fined by the homeowners association.  So, let me find some sort of logic in the fines of $1,500.00 for a “dead lawn” on an occupied property…

All of it makes me want to run away screaming.  Especially the business with the state.  I finally get my caseworker on the phone who basically treats me as a criminal.