Little Gary…AT HOME AT LAST!

Gary is home at last!!!

2 days before, did tests for aspiration of food into the lungs and to confirm reflux. Mary Beth was there and Allison from Speech Therapy along with myself and Gary’s nurse Trish who is AWESOME! Power struggle between Cruz and the radiologist. I stepped in with strong words. Dr. Cruz won, but not before the radiology director joined us to “oversee” the situation. Again, lovely aspects of healthcare! Ridiculous, but it got resolved. Makes me feel strong to step in and be our son’s advocate.

Dr. Cruz prescribed Reglan for reflux. Also discovered Anemia. Gary needs a transfusion. Transfused on 10/3. Did not eat from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Added rice to his milk to thicken and prevent reflux, but not a guarantee. Gary will stay on Enfamil EnfaCare 22 calorie to help him continue to heal and support his growth.

Took all day to discharge us. I was at the hospital from 11:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. waiting to go home. Finally I took Gary home and it is fantastic to have our babies with us all the time now.

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