May – The beginning of the end…

First week of May. Changed my mind from getting a tubal. Chip will get a vasectomy. I communicate this to him via IM from the bedroom to the office. Sorta funny, but it’s just the kind of geeks we are.

5/5 – Meme meets the boys! I was so excited and really appreciated the effort of my aunt Joyce, who is always busy. It was very important to me that since Meme is 94 years old that she meet her great grandsons. She’s still amazingly active. They stayed about 20 min. It was so good to see her.

5/5 – Contacted our real estate agent Maria to see if it’s prudent to short sell the Vegas houses. She indicated we’d have to tell our renters, which for Sweet Jewel was fine, but our other house is rented by a nice but young family who signed…but not really signed because they had issues with one clause…an 18 month lease. It bothers me to have to tell them. We opt to put it on hold for a little bit and figure out what we really want to do. Barely treading water and trying to pay everything will not continue to work long term. The home owners association is after us for mega fees for a “dead” lawn that we have pictures of it not being dead. What a mess.

5/6 – See a FBook post of Ron visiting Kristy. Ugh…I can’t stand that guy. I have such strong feelings about him too. None of it good. Seems like more and more Reno trips from Kristy, but she never stops to visit. It’s disheartening to know we moved here and that our adopted families from out of state come visit more often than my family that is either in town or at the very most 3 hours away.

5/7 – Christina surprises me with arrival for Mother’s Day weekend. AWESOME! It was so great to see her. Always is. She’s amazing and definitely a sister to me. The boys are incredibly happy to see their ‘Nina. We take boys to the playground which was really windy, but still fun. It was great that Christina and Chip could play with them since it’s harder and harder for me to move around as my belly continues to grow. The only hard part was seeing Christina go. Our visits are so fun and the boys are just so excited to hang out with her.

5/9 – It was a lovely Mother’s Day. Chip brings Tuberose stems from Costco with great Mexican food and Costco CUPCAKES! Those cupcakes have been an obsession during this pregnancy. Definitely not healthy, but boy were they YUMILICIOUS! We had a wonderful night. My life is blessed with my wonderful husband. He does so much for our family and for me. Takes care of me during pregnancy and wrangles the little guys. We all do a lot, but he REALLY does a lot. I could not function without him and feel so fortunate to be married to him.

5/12 – Lunch with The Nugget girls. Amanda, Michelle, Christine and Audrey. Great gifts at Great Basin. We had a lovely lunch and nice little “Nugget Baby Shower”. So many wonderful gifts. I so enjoy living here and having such good true friends. I do miss the few awesome friends I have in Vegas, but have met some really good people here. All these ladies are good eggs! Those are hard to come by.

34 wks, 5 days appointment…see next post.

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