Sad, Sad Day in Sparks, Nevada

Here in our little Reno/Sparks area this morning a middle school boy took his parent’s gun to school and started firing. The gunman (child) killed a teacher and wounded two others before shooting himself.

Sad, very sad that a wonderful teacher is dead, fortunate that the other two are going to be OK (so far) and grateful that the shooter is no more. I’m still stunned by it. We live in a small place. I never thought anything like this would happen in my city. Then again no one else does either, no matter where they are. It was comforting to receive messages from so many people and be fortunate enough to say that our kids are OK and were not anywhere near the area of the shooting.

Since it happened around 7a this morning I took pause as I took the boys to the bus stop and watched them get on the bus. They had a field trip today to the pumpkin patch (I could not go…work commitments) and I was relieved that they weren’t at school. I never want to get that call that the school is locked down or that someone is crazy with a weapon. I cannot imagine the fear and panic of the parents as they went to find their kids or the kids that witnessed the horrific ordeal.

After seeing the coverage all over the local news this morning and then tonight on the National evening news I am proud of our little city and the public servants we have. Over 200 first responders were on the scene and law enforcement arrived within 3 minutes of the 911 calls. Washoe County School District police, Reno PD, Sparks PD, Washoe County Sheriff as well as others.

My sincere condolences to Mr. Landsberry’s family as they grieve a man who died a hero trying to protect children. Being a former marine, he was a hero before he even stepped into the classroom. Even though I don’t know him I am planning to attend any memorial or fundraiser that I can. It is the least I can do.

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