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Holidays 2017 – Reflections

The holidays seem to get totally away from us after the big day. Exhaustion more than anything.  I had days off, but it just didn’t seem like enough.  So, for the first time, we put our tree up early and took it down late.  Big Bertha, who followed Big Jim from last year, was REALLY crispy.  The tree had stopped sucking up water and was just not good.  I did everything to help it, like spray it daily with water just to keep us safe.  Honestly, it was way too long…not to mention I was trying to fathom just how fun it would be to clean up the bajillion pine needles that would be everywhere when we took it out of here.  Well, my worst fears came true.  Not only was that tree heavy, it left needles everywhere.  I mean everywhere.  It took like an hour, probably more, to get those pine needles up.  Dear God Almighty, do not let your tree stay around if it dries out.  Just.don’t.do.it!  I wish I would have gotten photos, but I didn’t.  Shame, because it was an ordeal.  On top of that, due to the tree not taking water, there was about a gallon of water that then promptly went into the carpet and pad.  Now, mind you, our carpet is SO old that there’s only a thin, if any, a layer of the pad on top of horrifying carpet that is also…wait for it…beige.  Yeah.

As I clean all of this mess up, trying to remind myself that I always want a fresh, live tree.  I don’t have regrets, other than it quit sucking up water.  The tree rocked.  Rivaled Big Jim from the year before and was purchased from the same place.

The holiday clean up is always hard for me.  I am an emotional creature by nature.  Big changes seem to move me.  Whether it’s emotional or just the change itself.  Putting away all of those ornaments and going through Christmas cards is hard for me.  Time passes so quickly.  I desperately want to hold on.  I can’t, but I want to.  The other day I was sharing this with a sister from another mister that this year is the first year that there wasn’t the Santa magic that we’ve had.  We’ve had the luxury of the delight for…oh my goodness…probably a span of 15 years. Gillian and Kaitlyn were 8 and 11 when the boyos were born. And then we had Carter, sweet Carter who has given us more kiddo time.  We’ve seen so many years of the magic.  So many years of last-minute wrapping, filling of stockings and Sherri getting super stressed trying to do all of it that I WANT to have happen.  It’s more than most people get and I’m so grateful.

 As I put all of the ornaments, villages, and decorations away, it hurts a little.  It hurts because time passes too quickly.  They get older quicker than we ever imagine.  The crude but meaningful ornaments become so precious as the years pass.  I love them all.  They are cherished heirlooms in my mind.  This year I finally let go of the Cars stockings.  Someone else can enjoy them.

As we think about a move, it is a bit sadder.  So many Christmases here.  So many with the joy and wonder.  So many with loved ones from near and far.  A new chapter is calling…I can feel it. This next one will be interesting as these boys to into tween/teenhood and we move to the next phase of our life.