Tag: school

1st grade? Really?

I cannot stand it anymore.  I must rant.  The hubs thinks I need to get over it, but I can’t.  The boys start 1st grade on Monday.  There are many reasons why I’m excited about school starting.  However, I am really pissed off and I haven’t even met their teacher yet.  Perhaps I’m overreacting but I was disgusted with the supply list that we received.  I’d love to know your thoughts.  I am inserting some of my own comments on the list as well. Everything is per kid.
1.  Plain white t-shirt to paint at school (me:  cool, fine awesome)
2.  $35.00 class fee to cover costs for special art projects, weekly reader, folders, treats and in-class activities (me:  seriously?  You’ve got to be kidding!  Um yeah.  So not excited about this one)
3.  A Ziploc bag containing baggies with 20 pennies, 10 dimes, 20 nickels and 4 quarters (we will use them for math).  Please label with your child’s name (me:  Ever heard of play money?)
4.  24 SHARPENED pencils (me:  last time I checked our classroom had a pencil sharpener)
5.  3 boxes of 24 count crayons to last us through the year (me:  wow, when I was in school one box was plenty)
6.  1 pkg. basic markers (no pastels).  (me:  Finally! Something reasonable!)
7.  1 black sharpie FINE point pen and 1 black sharpie ULTRA FINE point. (me:  OK fine, whatever)
8.  1 box of kleenex (me:  another reasonable request.  Cool.  I like those.)
9.  1 container of Clorox or Costco disinfectant wipes (me:  Ya know what?  Lysol is cheaper and that’s what you are getting!)
10.  1 pump bottle of sanitizer (me:  cool)
11. 2 boxes of ziploc bags.  One gallon and one sandwich (me:  seriously?  if there are 20 kids in the class there will be 20 boxes of gallon and 20 boxes of sandwich bags?  WTH are they doing with all of that plastic!?!)
12.  (me:  This one is my all time favorite) 15 OR MORE glue sticks  You can get a good deal at Costco for about $6. (me again:  WTF!  15 glue sticks times 20 kids?  What are they going to do with all of those glue sticks?  The audacity to say Costco has a good deal1?!  Wayyyy unbelievable to me.)
13.  1 yellow highlighter (me:  I’m still stuck on 15 glue sticks and $35)
14.  4 or more Expo dry erase markers (me:  You’ll get any brand I decide to pay for)
15.  1 set of earbuds/headphones to use at computers.  Put in a baggie and label with your child’s name (me:  whatever.  Still bitter about the ridiculousness of this list)
The teacher, at the bottom of the list, also wrote:
Wish list and optional items: Recess equipment for our class to play with (balls, jump ropes, hula hoops, etc.) (me:  Really?  Doesn’t the school have ANY equipment?  Lady if this is your list you must have at least one or two items from last year.) 1 or more packages of reward stickers Water bottle (small 16 oz. – sport top only)
She goes on some more to say: Thank you so much for taking the time to provide these extra materials for our classroom. (me:  Yeah, uh-huh, optional?  I think not.  Wonder exactly what the school district pays for.  Paper.  Yes, paper.  That wasn’t on the list. I’m sure we’ll be hit up for other items throughout the year).
I know teachers are not paid well and often buy things out of pocket. I can also appreciate asking parents to help.  I seriously cannot, for the life of me, get past the BS on this list.  I can’t wait to hear thoughts from my community.  Am I the crazy one?